Chapter-5: Another hire; A trustworthy sister : Aiza Muaish!

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Alina's attire above ⬆️

Alina's pov

Today is another day and my second day to take the interview of the Pharm-d Graduate. When I wokeup today, first thought that crossed my mind was that 'Was the person who came in my dream, Almer?!'
'Yeah, maybe.'-I answer myself. After doing my daily routine and wearing my new suite which was gifted by Ushna on completing my studies. She has the same one. Both were designed by her designer. I wore it, applied natural makeup and rushed down into the dining hall only to find it empty. Where is Sahil? I asked Ajmal Uncle. He said 'he wokeup, prayed fajr , ate soup ,took medicine and slept.'
'What happened to him?'
'He's having stomach ache and loose motion. Food poisoning in all.'
'Omg. How?'
'Maybe he ate something unusual or improper... you guys went to a hotel yesterday, right?'
'Yeah, we did.'
'Anything was wrong after that?'
'Maybe someone added something in his food?'
'Uncle that only happens in movies. Real people don't do that.' -I said laughing it off.
'No beta. Some people actually do this. To gain something...'
'Ok, then. Let me visit him and come. Can you lay my breakfast, meanwhile?!'
'Sure, go and see him. Dear child!' -Ajmal Uncle said ushering me to go.
I went near Sahil's room, knocked the door and went in. He was laying asleep. Looking cute as ever. I went near and sat down near him. He opened his eyes and met my gaze and said:
'Alu, sorry I can't come with you today. I'm not feeling too good. Someone new will meet you in my place at the office.' -Sahil said in a hoarse voice.
'It's okay. Sahi get well soon... and why will someone new meet me in your place?! Brooo, nooo. Don't tell me anything like that.'
'Noo. Alu, nothing like that. Someone else related to me will meet you in my office, I meant.'
'Ok, bro. I'll take my leave.'
'Ok, Alu. Go carefully and return happily. If anything happens call me without thinking twice.'
'Ok, bro.' -I said and went out.
Ate my breakfast. Took my car keys and went to the office. As soon as I went inside the building, I was met with a worried Almer. As he saw me alone, without Sahil. He started questioning me: 'Where is Sahil? Why didn't he come? Why did you come alone? Why is he not responding to my calls? Is he okay?!'
I said: 'Calm down Mr.Almer. He's in our home. He's just not feeling well. So, he couldn't come. I don't know. Maybe he isn't picking anyone's calls. He is not completely okay.'
'What happened to him?' (Deadpan serious)
'Nothing, Almer. He got food poisoned. Maybe because of yesterday's lunch.'
'Ohh. May Allah bless him with shifa'a asap. Ohh...should have reconsidered our meet.'
'Ameen. It's alright you never knew before. What's going to happen? It was in Allah's hands.'
'Yeah, well. You're right.'
'Ok. See ya then.'-I said walking towards the lift. And into my office. After seeing the time. I was shocked as it was 8:00. If Sahil would be here. I would have attained detention till now. I sat on my chair and opened my desktop to check if any emails are there. After an hour I just remembered Sahil told me to go to his office to meet someone. I went to his office, knocked and entered when I heard a 'come-in'. I went in only for the chair to be turned to the opposite side. Facing the glass wall. A voice came 'So, you came atlast. I thought I would have to get old to see you.'
'Who are you? May I know you?! Or do I know you?'
'I'm Sahil's twin! Yeah, sure. You might or might not.' 
'You got to be kidding me!!! Sahil bro doesn't have a twin. Forget brother. What's your name?!'
'I would love to! Actually I am. I'm his step brother. You don't know my name?! You got to be kidding me?!'
'I knew it, you are! What?! Step brother?! You're kidding now also! Why would I know your name? Are you any celebrity?! Tell me exactly. What's your name?' -I argued further.
'Yeah, step brother. I swear I'm not. Because you might've heard Sahil take my name. Yeah I will be soon. Alright. Serious now, buddy. I'm Sohail Alfaone. The half proprietor of this company, I mean share holder.' -Sohail said turning the chair around and standing up.
'You're lying. Mr.Sohail. You're no one and just lying to me trying to harm my bro's company.' -I (yelled)
'Excuseme. Lower your voice. If you want proof. Call Sahil and ask.' -Sohail said coming closer.
I dialed his number hurriedly on my phone. He picked on the third ring. I put it on speaker and asked him 'Sahil bro tell me if 'Sohail Alfaone' is your step brother? And a share holder of your company?'
He replied with 'yes, unfortunately He's my step brother and a share holder of my company. Ok! Sorry to not tell you earlier. Alu. Adjust with him for today. Ok?!'
"Ok. Sahil bro you should have told me beforehand. I would have prepared myself for this... Alright. I'll tr..rry to mana..aage. Bye bro." -I hung up on the call my voice shivering in the end as Sohail had caged me between himself and the wall.
And was moving his fingers around my chin. When the door slammed open. Almer entered and punched him straight in his jaw. Asking 'What do you think your doing?! You dumb*ss.'
'Nothing. What do you think I'm doing?! She's a bomb shell. I was just trying to have a taste.' -Sohail said winking at me. He replied without moving an inch.
'Don't behave like that with her. And move away from her.' Almer warned  and moved him away from me.
'Ohh. Why're you getting jealous. I thought you're engaged! Should I report this to your fiance?!' -Sohail said making Almer lose his temper.
'Shutup. That's none of your bussiness. Stay out of it. She's like my sister. And protecting a sister is one of my responsibilities.' -Almer said pointing at me.
Took my hand and we went out of the office. I came out from the panicked state I was in. He walked with me to my office. Once inside, he embraced me in a sisterly hug  (If there's such a kind of hug😅) sensing my horrified state and told me not to worry. His eyes were on me and mine on him. We were staring deeply. Until he looked away and I looked down and said 'Thanks for your help'. He said 'Welcome' gave an awkward smile and left. I was left again to drown in his thoughts. Looking out from the glass wall behind me while wondering how cute he is! Then upon realizing my clinic is going to start just day-after tomorrow I was about to get started as per my schedule today which was in mind. My phone rang showing my office colleague-'Ifza Akbar Ali' I picked it up.
'Heya! Assalamualaikum Dr. Alina. Where are you?' -Ifza
'Hi, Walaikumussalam Ms. Ifza.
I'm in my office. Why?'
'I've sent you a document. I texted you asking to see it. You weren't I called. Are you okay?'
'Ohh. Actually I zoned out a bit.  Yeah, I'm alright. Thankyou and I'll check upon the document right now.'
'Okay. Bye. Allah's safety be upon you then!'
'Bye, May you also remain in Allah's safety. See you at lunch' -I said and hung up her call.
After checking the document which showed already appointed patients as in the waiting list, just waiting for the clinic to be buzz open. Ohh God. I hope it'll not get overcrowded from the first day.
Finally started working on  ordering some more items for decor, preparing the excel balance sheet for the cashier(receptionist) ,Etc. As I checked the time, it was about to be 12. The time interview was to be held. I pressed the bell and the messenger came. I told him to bring some mixed nuts and mixed mini chocolates and two oreo smoothies after 20-30 minutes. He took my order said 'Sure, mam' and went. I took out the Pharm-d Graduate's Cv and went through it again preparing my brain to ask certain type of questions. Went through the email sent by our company's Event manager once again. And just as I thought I was ready for this.... A knock resounded on my door. I said 'Come in'. Confidence evident in my tone as previous time
'Hello ma'am. Good afternoon.'
'Hi Aiza. Good afternoon to you as well. Have a seat.'
'Sure ma'am'
'How are you?'
'By the grace of Allah. Very good.' 'What about you? Ma'am.'
'I'm good, All thanks to Allah.'
'Okay, then. Let's start.'
'Where did you work before applying here in UFTAB? I'm asking you this as I didn't see anywhere in your cv about your work experience.'
'Actually, I don't have much work experience.... I just worked temporarily in my Uncle's pharmacy for a year in India and set out from there to search for a permanent job.'
'Oh, so that's the case. But you should have mentioned it in your Cv. Atleast something is better than nothing.'
'Yes ma'am, I should have but I didn't think it would be necessary.'
'It was necessary. You know right in big companies, they look at your work experience first?!'
'Yes ma'am but the short period would be just nothing to them. So I didn't bother'
'Alright, your wish. Tell me why did you leave your previous work?'
'About that...actually I worked for my uncle as he persuaded me saying 'it's a good opportunity for a start' and that I would gain a little experience as well and he would get a helping hand. So I couldn't deny him. And eventually started working for him. Had to leave it as he died the previous year and his son decided to renovate the clinic to his own clinic. So I wasn't needed there.' She stopped abruptly here...and continued after showing an embarrassed expression.
The helper knocked, came in, placed the tray on the table and left.
'My apologies, ma'am. Ig I just got too personal.'
'It's alright. May Allah grant your uncle a high rank in jannah.'
'Ameen.' -she replied.
'So why did you choose UFTAB? As in for any particular reason?'
'I was searching a job nearer to my residence. And my friend recommended this company to me.'
'Oh. I see! What are your expectations from UFTAB?!'
'I expect to work in a peaceful environment. And to have great bonding with my colleagues even out of the office. And maybe sometime to have great vacation tours!'-she gave out a chuckle as soon as she finished.
'Accurate! As expected. Have some snacks and the smoothie please!' -I said gesturing my hand at the tray kept at the side in the middle of my table with a smile.
'Thankyou ma'am.' -she said before taking few sips of her smoothie and taking a chocolate.
'My pleasure' - I gestured by keeping my hand on my chest showing sign of respect and nodding my head.

'You'll be informed of the confirmation of the interview within few minutes on your email till then you can wait here or sit in the lounge'
'Ok ma'am.' -she said with a smile.
And I smiled back sending her information to Sahil bro's official email. And then remembered that his place right now is taken by someone else and sighed looking at the already sent email on my laptop's screen. Just as I was going to close my email after checking for new ones. I got an email back saying 'Do what you wish as your brother has given me the word to let you do as per your wish.'
I replied back with 'You're the Sohail Alfaone?!'
And he replied again with 'Yeah how fast you got to know that it was me!'
'How did you access Sahil bro's  email?'
'FYI, It's not his personal email. It's the company's official head's. And right now within the company, I'm the official head so I got access.'
'Ok. Whatever I'm hiring her.' -I replied feeling obliged to inform him as he's the 'official head' right now, bickering over it in my head. While closing the email after sending Aiza an email saying 'You're officially hired as the UFTAB'S clinical pharmacist.'
Just few seconds passed and she squealed 'I'm HIRED?!'
'Yeah. It is mentioned so in the email right?!' -I asked feigning doubt.
'Yes it is... Ya Rabb. I'm so happy as well as excited!' -she said standing up.
I also stood up and congratulated her for passing the interview. And informed her about the opening of our clinic which was scheduled day-after tomorrow and gave her a copy of the same file which Sahil bro gave me at my first day. We bid our goodbyes  and she left.

Soon after the lunch bell rang and I groaned not wanting to face 'Sohail Alfaone'. I was planning to order my lunch in the office just when someone knocked and the door opened revealing Almer.
'May I come in?'
'Sure' -I replied and smiled.
'Someone's big bro was tensed that some new wolf will eat his goat or the goat will eat itself rather than its food!.' -he said more like teasing.
'Oh. Was it Sahil bro?!'
'Ofcourse who else would contact me regarding their 'beloved sister' - he said air quoting beloved sister with his fingers.
'Ahh.. such a protective bro I'm blessed with! I praise my praise-worthy Lord for granting me with the best of his creation.' -I said at first placing my palm at my forehead and then at my chest whilst closing my eyes indicating my sincereness and thanks to Allah. Upon opening them I found Almer looking at me with something different in his gaze but looked away as soon as I set my eyeballs on him!
'Come let's have dinner together' he gestured me to lead the way.
'Alright' -I said and made my way to the 'dine-in' area in our office and he suddenly lead us to a secluded place. We had our lunch in a comfortable silence. And I saw Ifza looking at me with a smirk and gave me a wink while we were passing her. Thank god Almer didn't notice otherwise I would have turned red from embarrassment. Ohh, I just got a message during lunch by Sahil bro ; 'Ifza Akbar Ali will be your receptionist from day-after tomorrow. Is that fine for you After?!'
I texted back.
'Yes, surely fine! Sir.'
After lunch I came back to my office while passing Ifza a smile on my way. Almer went to his own next to the building. As soon as I entered my office I saw the messenger leaving some things on my table upon asking he said they were the decor items and other things which I ordered in the morning. I busied myself in arranging them  and didn't realize how time flew and it was 7:30. While I was walking out to my car, I found 'Sohail Alfaone' walking out of Sahil bro's office with a sick-looking (All buttured up) woman by his side.
He gave me a smirk and caught the woman closer to him and went away. I tried my best to ignore him. In no time I reached our house. After freshening up and changing to my pj's. I went down to check on Sahil bro as he just came from the Mosque it seemed when I entered the living room and found him in his dark-brown thobe. His hair looked dishevelled. I inquired about his health and he said it's better than morning. I said All thanks to Allah and the dinner was served by Ajmal Uncle. After dinner we went for a walk in our house's backyard. Which was planted with beautiful trees and some were fresh saplings. He inquired about the day and I told him frankly how I didn't like 'Sohail Alfaone' one bit. And told him about our meet except for the awkward incident at last. We talked and walked while cracking jokes here and there to lighten the atmosphere and after some time separated to go to our rooms and dozed off to sleep.

I know it's a long time after the last update. Sorry for the delay. And I know this chapter was boring and kinda lonngg. Next time, pretty vigorous turns are coming. Wait for it!!!
Till then...

Wid: lots of love!

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