Chapter -2: First day at the office.

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The pic above is Alina's office attire⬆

Alina's pov

Ahh, waking up in the morning is so difficult. My eyes opened at 5:00 in the morning just as the Azan (Muslim's call for prayer) was heard. I got up from bed, went to the washroom, and did wudhu (ablution) before coming back and laying my prayer mat. After praying Fajr, I read surah Yaseen of the Quran (the holy book of Muslims). On finishing, I made Dua (supplication) to Allah to make my first day at the company easy and quick and for no problems to arise because of me. After folding the prayer mat and keeping it in its place, I was laying on my bed thinking about what I should be prepared for today. Not realizing when sleep overtook me! I woke up at 6:00 to hear a knock resounding on my door. I opened it to receive no one but a package, after taking it and closing the door, I opened it to find a note saying 'Miss Alina Damasar, you being the new doc of UFTAB, have to dress professionally and so for the said, here is your uniform!' I read understanding the written handwriting to be Sahil's (My Cousin bro). So I went to the washroom in my walk-in shower, after undressing. And let the hot water drip down my body and through my now wet hair. Hereby relaxing my nerves and muscles as I stretched out my hand trying to feel the water. After applying my cocoa-scented soap, conditioning my hair, and washing it with water to remove the foam from my body. When I just stepped out and dried myself with the towel and wore my bathrobe which stopped just above my knees and tied its string securely around my waist. Took another towel and wrapped it around my head, I felt like there was a knock on my bedroom door but chose to ignore it and started brushing my teeth until I felt footsteps approaching inside the room. I was pondering over it and going out into my bedroom when I saw Sahil standing near my bed with a file in his left hand and his other hand was busy talking with someone on his phone. He hung up on the call when he saw me and eyed me somewhat unusually from head to toe. Keeping the file on my study table, then coming towards me flashing his thunderbolt of a smile.
'Hi Alu, just came from the shower, huh?'
'Yeah, Sahiii just stepped down from the washroom. Anyways, What brings you here ahead of time?!'- I said (the first part in a sarcastic way) as he was still giving me an unusual look.
'Ah, yeah I just came in here to give you this file which consists of some things you need to go through like the rules and regulations of the company and the CVs of some nurses and secretaries. We want you to interview them after you told us your condition. As for the others, you have to go through all of them and tell me about them in the office! Alright?!' He said coming closer than he already was.
I was suddenly pushed into the wall behind me as Sahi was now moving one of his thumbs across my cheeks 'Oh, Alu I didn't realize when you grew up to be a graceful woman, so fast or maybe I guess I didn't pay too much attention to you these years, as now when I look at you I feel like you've grown sexier over the years and of course have become more beautiful over the passing years, your lips have become plump and well cheeks.. have gone in. Ah.. well you do look thinner! Is there anything you are worried about?!' He said gripping my waist with his right arm when his left was on the wall kind of caging me. I was too drowned in my thoughts why was he this close to me?! Then I cleared my throat and looked at his arm beside me and at him when he was about to lean in, my eyes widened. He gently placed a kiss on my forehead. And laughed. Pulled me away from the wall and now with both his arms around my shoulder pulled me into his strongly-built chest for a hug.
'You already look so nervous and here I am telling you how grown-up you've become, making you more self-conscious! Sorry Alu and all the best, I believe you'll look way sexier and cuter in that uniform of yours, ok! I designed it, especially for your department.' Then released me from his grip and pinched my nose.
'Oh that's just fine for me Sahi bro, coz I know you have been too busy with your company and staff to realize there's a pretty sexy lady living with you in your house. And well I'll try my best to shock most of your handsome employees into me!' -I said giving him my most pleasant smile and waving him off.
'Alright, then let's see!'- he said while whistling and heading out of my room.
At 6:50 I finished wearing the uniform: which is an extraordinary office suit! And then applied a touch of my usual makeup which consisted of a mixture of ocean blue and royal blue eyeshadows and dark blue eyeliner and mascara. With a hint of foundation and contour with a magenta shade of blush blended in on my cheeks! I went downstairs to eat breakfast after swinging my handbag on my shoulder at around 7:00 which was the time for us to get out of the house into the car, which we couldn't, indicating we are going to be late. I grabbed the pancakes and poured some maple syrup on it made by the 45-year-old cook who worked for us for over 8 years now, Ajmal Chacha (uncle), we called him. And drank my coffee as I saw Sahil get out of his room with his coffee cup in hand.
'Ohh, so dear Alu is ready, finally!'
'Yeah bro, I'm ready just need a touch in the car as I didn't apply lipstick coz I know it'll get smeared while eating' I replied going to the kitchen and putting my cup in the sink.
'Ok, Yallah let's go'- I said ushering him to go out the gliding entrance door he was standing in between. 'Alright, habibty' - he said chuckling and taking his car keys while opening the car. I sat in the passenger seat while he sat in the drivers. It took exactly twenty minutes from our house to the company. During that time I was applying a retouch to my makeup. When the car tires came to a stop, indicating we have arrived at our destination. I let out a breath and opened my door and got out while seeing through the corner of my eye that Sahil was doing the same.
'Come!'-he said to me motioning to the entranceway to come with him.
Looking at the building in real seems more terrifying than just hearing about it and seeing it on the news. It was a twenty-five-story glass building.
I, being the tense one, followed him and went straight into the elevator after passing the lounge. He pressed the 24th floor. Having reached the spacious hallway as the path went straight and then parted into two, he led me to the left path, straight-lined up with various offices, then he took a right at the end of the hallway, which led to a door that was separately built from other offices, the signboard indicating "The Doc's"
Now with a nameplate on the door. 'Miss. Alina Damasar: Graduated and Doctorate in medicines degree'
So he went and opened the door revealing a room in which a desk was placed at the forefront and on it 'Reception' was written in bold and it was further divided into three portions. One is the main office, the other is the check-up room, and the other one is a small pharmacy store kind of room. He opened my office door and went inside, and I did the same.
It looked pretty empty except for the office table, a desktop was placed on it and its flat CPU was kept aside and a giant chair was kept with the table(lol😂), a waste bin on its side, with two glass wardrobes on either side, a frame of a cute Lil baby getting injected by a doctor. And yeah that's it and for the walls ocean blue and white. One of the walls were glass so it didn't have anything except two wooden flower vase hanging on either side.
So now as Sahil was facing me said: 'Welcome to UFTAB (Universal Flyaway Travells And Bookings). Alina Damasar. May you enjoy your time here with your colleagues. And All the best for whatever is coming ahead. If you need anything please don't hesitate to press this bell over here which will call one of the helpers. He can also send messages for you across the office to me or your colleagues. During lunchtime, Do come in the dine-in. I wanted to introduce you to the company officials and other employees of your age so that you should know them and be in contact with them. Alright, here I am again bombarding you with the info you may have processed into your Lil brain in there' He pointed to my brain And let out a chuckle.
'Oh, no. It's alright and thank you Sahi bro for offering this wonderful job to me. I'll try my best to stand up to your expectations -I said with a confident smile plastered on my face.
'See you at the dine-in then, Ma'as Salamah!' (Safety be upon you)
'Ok, Ilall liqaa' (See you soon) He went out waving at me. 'So.....this is my new office.' I said to myself!
I must set it up to my taste...
I took out my notepad from my bag and placed it on the table after taking the pen.
And started jotting down whatever came first in mind that I should tell the helper to buy for me.
I clicked on the bell, and a few seconds later there was a knock 'May I come in mam?' A voice came.
'Yes please' came my voice just slightly louder than a squeak.
The helper came in and I said to him I need these items soon and gave him the list.
He said 'ok mam' and left.
As I just remembered Sahil told me to go through the CVs of nurses and secretaries.
I took out the file and briefly glanced over each candidate's cv.
An hour deceased. But still, I didn't find any suitable nurse. Just as I was going to give up. My gaze fell on the next candidate's pic. I felt like I recognize her. Sana Alamgir is a recently retired nurse from Al-Emaadi Hospital. She was in my uni! That's why she looks familiar maybe.
I dialed her cell phone number by looking at her cv. And asked her if she is interested in the nurse's job here in UFTAB. If she is interested she can come here for an interview tomorrow at 11:30 pm. On the other line, the person said: 'Yes I would like to. Ok mam I'll be there on time tomorrow'
And I hung up the call.
Then I moved on flipping through the pages for a good pharmacist. Just after going through five candidates. I liked this girl's profile and she looks good too! I guess I've seen her in college or somewhere I  don't quite remember but my mind can recall her face from memories. I dialed her number on my cell. She picked up on the third ring and after informing her about me, I asked her if she is interested to work as a nurse in UFTAB.
'Yes, sure!'. Then I told her to come for an interview day after tomorrow at noon. 'Ok, sure'.
'See you tomorrow' and hung up.
I was just going to get up to look for the washroom when the helper knocked and came in with all the things I told him to bring. I said 'thank you' and he left. Then I went to the washroom as soon as I came out I hit a well-toned body as my head was down searching for a tissue in my bag...looking up into brown eyes made my heart feel glittery! He was going to fall I caught his arms suddenly not knowing what to do, his eyes were boring into me like a gentle drop into the ocean. Someone's cough brought us back to this world. I let go of him as he stood straight and I recognized the person coughing 'deliberately' was Sahil.

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