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After the endless conversation I had with Gemini, We had finally arrived at the bar. It was not the first time we had come to this place since we come here for a lot of celebrations. I remember we came here to celebrate Taurus's virginity loss which was pretty stupid but we wanted to get fucked up and that was the only good reason we thought of. We even baked him a cake- well I did most of the baking, and Pisces wrote 'Ex virgin' on the cake, Gemini and Leo decided to put some condoms on it. Taurus didn't like the fact we took it so seriously but he seemed to not care after he saw the cake. We sang him a happy virginity loss song which Libra made up and It's basically the happy birthday song but replace the 'happy birthday' in the song with 'happy virginity loss'.  Ah fuck, Sometimes I love these idiots. 

"Virgo you still haven't changed from the janitors clothes" Aquarius said, getting me out of my thoughts. "Do you think I had time for that?" I said, taking the bag I put my changing clothes in. "Obviously not, I was just reminding you" Aquarius said and walked away to Scorpio. I swung the bag onto my shoulders and rushed to the door. I opened the door but it was shut closed by a taller figure in front of me. I looked up to see Aries and rolled my eyes. I seriously disliked this boy even though I don't show it much and doing this heist with him has been a total nightmare. What could he possibly want from me right now. "where you going?" He asked me with a smirk on his face which I also disliked but it made him look more attractive. "And why does it concern you" I answered him while giving him a 'fuck off' look but he obviously didn't get the message. "I'm guessing you're going to change. Let me come with you since I have to do the same and the streets of Nomoria are obviously not safe for a beautiful girl like you" Fuck I hate it when he flirts but why the fuck does he care about my safety. "if that will get you to move out of my way then fine." I said and pushed him to got out of the van, leaving him behind. 

I got In one of the bathroom stalls I took off the clothes I was currently wearing and quickly unzipped the bag and took out the vintage rose lace dress I packed for myself earlier. I quickly put it on but struggled to zip it closed, I sighed and I remembered the only person that could help me was Aries and I didn't want that since my bra was exposed. I put in all my strength to zip the dress closed which took about three minutes but it was worth it. I packed everything I just took off into the bag and got out of the bathroom stall. I didn't have makeup with me since it wasn't planned to come to the bar but who gives a fuck, I'm beautiful natural anyway. 

I got out the bathroom and saw Aries flirting with some girl who didn't seem to be interested in him. I rolled my eyes, went up to him and dragged him by the ear and walked away with him. "Why did you do that? I was about to get her number" He complained and I let go of him, "Yeah well that girl seemed uninterested so I saved her" I said chuckling. Aries dramatically gasped, "Are you jealous?" I rolled my eyes "I don't see anything to be jealous of" I said and walked away. 

Aries and I finally got to the van and when we opened the door, Everyone has already changed and some just stayed with what they were wearing. Capricorn noticed us come in, "We'd been waiting for you two what took you guys so long" he asked obviously annoyed. "Probably screwing" Taurus answered Capricorn's question before Aries and I could. Honestly the thought of me and Aries screwing just makes me wanna puke. "Ha I wish" Aries added, high-fiving Taurus. Men are fucking disgusting and the fact that they are saying this shit in front of me is unbelievable. "You should probably stop wishing that shit because it's never gonna fucking happen" I said and walked away like the badass bitch I am. 

Virgo's a confident one ain't she? but I love her because of that.  Please vote, comment and share it will mean a lot to me and tell me how you  feel about Virgo since you saw more of her Personality in this chapter

T H E  P R E M I U M   H E I S T \ a zodiac storyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum