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Gemini waited for the workers to come out so she could steal one of their security card. "Are you sure they are coming out now because there is no sign of anyone coming out of this damn building" Gemini asked, obviously irritated from the amount of time she had to wait. "Yes I'm sure just be patient" Scorpio answered her through the earpiece. Gemini spotted a few people coming out of the building and she assumed it was the workers due to the uniform they were wearing. She walked towards the building and bumped into one of them and snatched the card out of their pocket in less than a second and the person didn't even realize. She took a quick glance at the card to make sure it was the right one and luckily it was. "Got the card" she whispered into the earpiece and Aries walked up to Gemini and quickly took the card without anyone noticing.  

Aries scanned the card on the door in order for him to get in and he put it in one of his pockets so he wouldn't loose it. He went into the janitor's closet and took a cart as he was told to do. He got out of the closet and started heading to the room where the meeting was held. Once he got there, he got in and everyone stopped what they were doing and paid attention to him "I apologize for the interruption but can I take out the trash" He asked politely while pulling his cart inside. "No. I'm sure the trash can wait till later" A man who seemed to be head of the meeting said while rolling his eyes. "Are u sure because judging this bean it seems like it can't wait till later and-" "Fine just do it quick" A women interrupted him while flicking her hands. He smiled and picked up the bean and secretly put the device Leo gave him at the back of the bean. He then poured the trash into the cart and put the bean back where it was placed and made sure the device wasn't seen. He got out the room and closed the door behind him. "Done" He  whispered into his earpiece and walked away from the door. 

~in the van~

"Are you sure Aries put the the device on the bean because I can't seem to hear anything" Virgo said worrying that the plan won't work out. "Yes I'm sure and the reason why we can't hear shit is because we need to put these on" Scorpio said while holding earphones and plugging them into the computer. "since you're a fast writer, I want you to write all the important shit they say Alright?" Virgo nodded and sat on the chair next to Scorpio and took a note book out of one of the drawers. "I can't seem to find a pen. Do you have one I can borrow" Virgo asked Scorpio while searching for a pen. "Here you go" Scorpio gave Virgo a pen and they both started listening to what the people had to say while Virgo wrote down some stuff. "We can not listen to them till the meeting is over but did they mention where the safe is?" Virgo scanned through the paper and nodded, "Yeah it's in the Top floor, room 202" Scorpio whispered into the earpiece to let Aries know while Virgo took all the supplies she will need and rushed out of the van to meet up with him.

Virgo stopped in front of the big glass sliding doors as she realized she doesn't have a card to enter the building, "shit" she muttered to herself. "uh Aries please come outside. I don't have the card to enter the building" She whispered into her earpiece hoping that Aries had heard her. "on my way" she heard Aries say and she just leaned on one of the brick walls waiting for him. Virgo saw Aries rushing to her so she stood up straight and walked to him, "Scan the card so I can come in" Aries followed Virgo's instruction and once Virgo got in they both started to speed walk to the elevator. "What floor" Aries asked while getting in the elevator. "Floor 7" Virgo responded and pressed the button before Aries could. They both stood there in awkward silence waiting for the elevator to get to the floor they were heading, "You know I could've pressed the button before you right" Aries broke the silence. Virgo rolled her eyes at what Aries said, "It's just a fucking button, no need to make a big deal out of it" before Aries could say something else, the elevator opened revealing Cancer Shouting at the two cards in front of her but they seemed to be confused and tried calming her down. 

T H E  P R E M I U M   H E I S T \ a zodiac storyWhere stories live. Discover now