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"Everyone ready?" A women with adorable facial features, sparkling hazel eyes with long, beautiful and silky brown hair questioned the ten people in front of her, they seem to be too busy getting all the items they need for the crime they're about to commit. Since no one answered her question, Aquarius took that as a no. She sighed and walked to the back of the van they were in, and she was greeted by a girl with gorgeous dark skin, pretty brown eyes, with beautiful faux locs. She seemed to be concentrated on the screen in front of her, "Hey Scorps, did you manage to hack into the security cameras?" Aquarius asked her and sat on the corner of the table. Scorpio glanced at Aquarius and went back to doing whatever she was doing, "Hey Aqua and yes, I managed to do that an hour ago and by the looks of it, I think we can strike in like five minutes because that's when majority of the workers are coming out." Aquarius looked at the screen , "Alright I'll go let the others know and make sure everything is in check." Scorpio nodded in response and Aqua got off the table and walked back to where everyone else was. "Alright listen up everyone," Aqua said while clapping her hands but she didn't seem to get everyone's attention.

 A girl with a chiseled face, has big hazel eyes and long, thick brown hair noticed. She stood up and shouted, "EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN."  That got everyone's attention and even startled some. "Thank you Leo but that was not needed." Aquarius sighed and Leo sat back down to listen to what she had to say. "okay so as you all know, today we'll be stealing a safe from one of the biggest companies in New York City and in that safe there is a whole lot of money. And when I say a lot I mean it. Scorpio has let me know that we can strike in five minutes, and Leo I'd like you to please check if everyone has what they need in order to make this a successful heist." Leo nodded while standing up and took out what looked like a list in one of the bags besides her. "Alright does everyone have an earpiece in order for us to communicate?" Everyone nodded "okay...I think that is about it. now let's recall on what each of us is supposed to do shall we?" 

"Now, Gemini you will 'accidentally' bump into one of the workers and steal their security card which will probably be on their hip...and now that I think about it, what kind of a person that works in a high qualified company would put a security card on they're hip?" A girl with a slim physique and a fair skin toned body with naturally long curly black hair and has beautiful features with a sharp-edged jawline and a pair of beautiful green eyes nodded while leaning on the door of the van and replied to Leo's question, "A dumbass person for sure" Leo chuckled at Gemini's comment and went back to talking. "Now Gem, when you have the card you'll pretend you're walking to God knows where and while you're walking you'll walk past Aries, who will be dressed as a janitor, and you secretly give the security card to him" a boy who is dressed as a janitor nodded. He has pale white skin with sharp features that make him look intimidating, with dark brown hair that is long and curled with a pair of upturned blue eyes.  "Aries, once you've received the security card, you go to the Janitors closet and take one of the carts and walk to a room that is labeled '58'. There is a meeting held inside the room, once you walk in you apologize for interrupting the meeting and ask to throw out the trash from the bean and into the cart. while doing that you stick this device that Taurus made on the bin and make sure you put it in a place where no one can see it" Leo handed the device to Aries who took it and put it in his pocket. "The device will help Scorpio hear what they are talking about and that way we will know where the safe is."

"Now Virgo once we know where the safe is, you're up and you're also dressed as a janitor so they could let you in the building. You will meet with Aries in front of the room he was previously in. Together you will walk to the room where the safe is and now obviously there will be Security guards so we need to distract them." Leo smirked and turned to a girl who is dressed like a hot business woman and is ready to put a man down on his knees for her. Cancer, She has beautiful turquoise eyes with elegant features and long red hair that goes down to her slim waist. She is seated next to Virgo and they seem to be sharing a fruit salad. Virgo is a very pretty girl with medium length brown hair that is usually tied up and she has beautiful and mesmerizing black eyes. "Cancer," Leo continued talking "You will go up to the- wait how many security guards are there?" Leo asked looking at Scorpio. "uh two" she responded. "Alright. Cancer you will go up to the security guards and speak French, That way they will be confused and you'll find a way to get them away from the door."  "Easy" Cancer said with a smirk on her face. "Once the security guards have left with cancer, Virgo and Aries you're up again. Virgo you go into the room and now before you do anything, you put these on to make sure there aren't any lasers in the room." Leo took glasses out of a bag and gave them to Virgo. "And if there are lasers?" Virgo asked. "I'll obviously take over" Gemini answered Virgo's question before Leo could. Virgo nodded and turned to face Leo "You may continue" Leo smiled and started talking again. "Alright and if there aren't any lasers then Virgo you can use your skills to crack the safe open but be careful. Aries you will be outside the room guarding it, making sure that no one enters the room. You will change to this suit while cancer get's the security guards away from the door" Leo gave Aries a suit and continued talking, "Virgo after you get the money from the safe, You put it in the bag" Leo pointed to the bag "and Libra will set up a ladder for you and Aries to climb down and you all run back to the van. Cancer we will tell you when everything is done. Understood?" Everyone nodded. 

"what a great ass plan you got there" Gemini complimented. Leo smirked and put a hand around Aquarius's shoulder, "Learnt from the best" Leo said, referring to Aquarius which made her smile for the first time today. "Alright Libra go get the ladder so we can get this shit over and done with already" Aquarius commanded while drinking a soda she found in the mini fridge they had put in the van. A boy stood up and he looked about 6 feet tall with a fairly pale complexion and calm doe eyes that are dark blue. He has fawn brown colored hair and a sculpted face with a sharp jawline. "This thing is too heavy can someone be kind enough to help me?" Libra complained as he struggled to pick up the ladder. Pisces stood up and walked over to Libra "I'll help you but I want $10 from you" Libra was not surprised with what Pisces has said because the boy would do anything for money, that's probably the reason why Pisces joined the team. Libra sighed and nodded. They both picked up the ladder and placed it outside the van. "Alright is everyone ready?" Scorpio asked as she was typing something on her computer. Everyone nodded in response. "Let's fucking do this." And with that, Aries, Cancer, Gemini, Libra and Virgo got out of the van to do as they were told.

lmao finally done with the first chapter, how was it? It probably wasn't that interesting and it is kind of long and I do apologize for that. 

T H E  P R E M I U M   H E I S T \ a zodiac storyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя