MH │9

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In the previous chapter:  Oriane met Robert, one of the five student council members. There was a disagreement between Jessica v Charlotte and Oriane.



Marian stood outside the Executive's office waiting. It was inside the staff area, second floor of the main building.

Oriane had better not have forgotten about this. One thing she was realised over the last few days was that Oriane was easily distracted. But right now, Marian needed her here.

Because despite the fact that she could handle it on her own — she was a big girl after all —, she had a feeling Oriane was going to get her out of this mess.

It wasn't only because Oriane had been the receiving end of her affinity either.

Call it a witch's intuition. And that has never failed her before.

Marian was feeling quite fidgety. She crossed her fingers and supposed Oriane would arrive on time.

But of course, she was late. Five past the appointed time and Marian was called in without further ado.

She had had to see the Executive before and the office was as dingy and dark as she remembered. At across the mahogany desk with Lecturer McMurphy. He had everyone call him Liam though.

"Miss Marian Peters. Wiccan born. Junior Year. Incidents almost every semester," said Uilliam as he skimmed her student report. "Please take a seat."

Marian grimaced and sat down on one of the two plastic chairs in the small office room.

"Miss Peters, this is unacceptable." Uilliam's voice was low, menacing. It even had Marian's carefree attitude shaken. Slightly. "The college takes the misuse of magick seriously and you have already been warned twice."

Uilliam's tough demeanour would have to be why he was appointed Executive with such ease.

"This shouldn't count," Marian defended, lifting her left hand to her temple. "I was trying—."

"Trying to hospitalise someone?"

Marian pouted. "I didn't think she would—."

"You didn't think," he said, strumming on the desk.

In the time that he had spent as a member of staff at the college, he had learned that children do not follow rules very well. Neither do they think about the consequences of their actions. Usage of affinities on fellow students is not tolerated. Uilliam had already given concessions to Miss Peters before because most of the incidents on her file were, like this example here, petty in the overall scheme of things.

Marian groaned inwardly. Who would have thought Oriane would pass out from a little internal tapping? "I was trying to direct my friend's energy in the right direction for something we were trying out."

Uilliam narrowed his eyes. "And what would that be?"

"A little hex, alright?"


"What, exactly, did you attempt to hex?"

"We didn't attempt. We did hex. It was one of carrier floatation hexes," she confessed. "Completely harmless."

"Or so you thought."

"Or so I thought," replied Marian as she squinted up at the Executive unhappily.

"It still does not excuse you from punishment; especially when this is the third time you've been caught directing your affinity at someone."

There was knock on the door and Marian sighed with relieve. It could only be Oriane! She would save her from some harsh punishment the Executive was trying to dish out at her.

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