MH │35

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In the previous chapter: Carolina told the girls that Elle had gone missing and Marian could be able to track her down with the energy mark she placed on her. Uilliam continued to interrogate Hannah.



There were only three people in the world who knew the mortal surname that belonged to the second most powerful mystic in the whole of the known universe. The first was Maedb. At birth, she was the most powerful mystic to ever grace the realms and who had, in her powerful right, became a goddess as decreed by Ameshaspand in the tenth century. The second was Maeve O'Connacht, who was Maedb's sister and, though not a mystic, was the most powerful elemental alive.

At the thought, Uilliam chuckled. If Ameshaspand knew who was responsible for releasing Ahriman from his jail, Maedb would never have been named goddess. Goes to demonstrate that the gods were not omniscient.

An elemental was simply beings who could control the elements of the realms. But a mystic was a conduit between the divine and the commons. Their powers were rumoured to be exceptional but he had yet to witness their powers.

However, as demonstrated by the O'Connachts, blood relations had little to do with the inheritance of mysticism. Though, those with the propensity to become mystics, like Maeve herself, were more powerful indeed than their peers.

The third who knew was he, Uilliam O'Murchadha, whom Maeve had confided in and called in on the favour centuries-past he owed her. His instructions were to keep an eye on the girl who was apparently a direct descendent of O'Mordha.

He contacted all his sources about anyone under that name, but information about mystics was kept under tight wraps.

As soon as the cultist woman, Hannah, spoke her name, it occurred to Uilliam that perhaps much more people were in on who Oriane O'Mordha was; Moore was simply a modern adaptation of the ancient byname.

He didn't know who the mystic O'Mordha was since he never met her; Maeve refused to tell him more. She also refused to tell him why she had taken an interest in O'Mordha's descendent, stole her away, and locked her away in the human realm. Then she had gone and told Chancellor Goff and everyone on the staff that Oriane was related to the Mist family, the founders of the school. It, of course, helped her case that Charlene Mist, exactly old enough to be Oriane's grandmother, had simply up and left her place as Chancellor just a few months prior to the beginning of Summer.

Hence, it was a huge surprise to him that his prisoner, or anyone associated with her, knew the ancient surname as well.

It quickly became clear to him that Maeve O'Connacht, the elemental he was still indebted to for keeping his identity secret all these years, was playing a dangerous game by involving the Rosicrucians.

She was likely who told them about his daevas too.

Unless... Perhaps the Rosicrucians had found out about the O'Mordha descendent another way. Still didn't explain how they knew about his identity, though. The only reasonable explanation that tied all the knots was: Maeve.

The Maeve who was meditating in another realm while the world brewed up a storm.

What a mess.

There was also another matter. If Hannah had planned to reveal she knew the name, why wait two weeks? Logic dictated that the timing was orchestrated. Of course, she was likely directed by the Rosicrucian leader. But the question was: why? He had a feeling during this time, something very bad had happened.

Uilliam knew that he really should've sent someone down to the repository to keep track of the situation but, given that all previous attempts had led to disappearances and misreports, he didn't need the Council breathing down on him should another mission failed to come to fruition. Actually, the only time the Rosicrucians hadn't orchestrated a disappearance-act had been when Oriane, the ditz, wandered down there – and during class hours nonetheless.

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