04 - 2 Cool 4 Skool

16 1 0

We entered through the front door of the house, everyone looking all over the place that was supposed to be our home.

"I still don't get why we have to do this. We should be filing a lawsuit or something for invasion of privacy." Yoongi hyung pinched the bridge of his nose, still complaining about the leader's decision.

"There's something going on so let's just go with the flow for now. I'm sure we can figure something out while we're here." Namjoon hyung said in a low voice for not to let the girl hear.

"All of our rooms are upstairs. Do you at least remember them or should I have to guide you there too?" She asked, being excited than all seven of us combined.

We smiled awkwardly, letting her know that we didn't know the first thing about our lives as her brothers, including our way around the house. We followed her upstairs where she showed us the rooms 'we' had lived in. I helped Taehyung to get there as he still had to limp around with a bandaged leg. The twins had one room for both of them while another room was shared by Namjoon hyung and Hoseok hyung. Taehyung had a room for himself. Yoongi hyung's room was super neat with mostly white or other light colored furniture which he scrunched his nose at and on the contrary, Jin hyung's room was all black.

"Switch?" Yoongi hyung looked at the eldest almost desperately and I could tell he didn't mind seeing how he was frowning at the dark interior of his room.

"Switch." He agreed instantly.

Lastly it was time to reveal my room. It was at the end of the hallway almost separated from everyone else's rooms, neat and spacious. The french windows lead to a balcony with a view of the neighborhood and I could tell the Jimin here used that open space to relax considering the bean bag and the little stool placed there.

"So this is your room." Su yeon said, standing at the doorway without coming in.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Y-yes?" She started avoiding my eyes again, visibly getting nervous by every moment that passed.

"Nevermind. Thank you Su Yeon." I smiled at her and watched as she got flustered for a second, closing the door on her way out. I still didn't understand what was going on but I figured I should stay calm as Namjoon hyung suggested before and try to know what was going on.

The seven is us gathered to the 94 liners' room to talk about the matter until it was dinner time, coming up with no possible explanation no matter how hard we tried. It was no doubt going to be hard for everyone to adapt into our new living expenses, considering that music hasn't seem to be a major part of Su Yeon's brothers' lives. They had lived a normal lives unlike what we were now used to but also felt alien to. A sudden knock on the room door silenced us.

"You guys wanna eat yet? I made dinner."

The supposed sister of ours peeped through the door and we got up to go downstairs and eat, realizing how much the time has passed. We sat down at the couch and other spaces we could find to sit, somehow Su Yeon finding a place farthest from me again.

"I already informed your class teacher about the accident and he said you can come back to school if you don't have any major injuries." Her words were directed to the maknae who choked on his food hearing them. "Also you'll have to do something about your tattoos and piercings before a teacher catches you. What were you even thinking when you got them?? Are you also in that cringy 'I'm too cool for school' phase?"

"School? I'm 25!! I was done with school ages ago!"

"The hell you are. We still got a whole year left before we graduate." She didn't bat an eyelid to snap at Jungkook as if she had done it a thousand times before. It seemed to come to her very naturally.

"Hyung help." Jungkook desperately turned to Jin hyung for some aid but the way he had stopped eating told us that he didn't know what to do either. We were all silent for a moment, no one knowing what to say at this point.

"So Jungkook is still 18?" Suga hyung asked the girl, earning a nod.

"He and I are 18, Taehyung and Jimin 20, you're 22, Seokjin 23 and those two both 21." She pointed at us with her chopsticks as she talked.

"A little wild considering it takes 9 months to birth a child and you guys still are the same age." Jin hyung looked at the 94 liners and Taehyung and I. It was only then I realized that it was really unusual.

"Well hyung and I too. We're only 3 months apart remember?" Suga hyung reminded.

"Actually, some of you guys are adopted." Su Yeon mumbled, earning our attention immediately. "It wasn't a secret, you all knew but it didn't matter. Well, for the most part at least." She added the last few words looking at me from across the room.

"Jimin was adopted wasn't he?" I chimed in to the discussion, not realizing I was using third person to talk.

"Yeah, you were. Yoongi and Hoseok as well." She said.

"Please don't tell me it was from under a bridge." The second eldest was almost praying with his eyes closed, making us laugh out loud no matter how tense the situation was seconds ago.

"What no! Of course not." Su Yeon answered through her own smiles.

The dinner passed rather quickly with a few other random conversations we made to not drown in awkward silence. We had a few sneak peeks of our lives here before the accident as well. If we were going to stay here it meant at least acting as natural as we could and for that we needed Su Yeon's help. We had to find out how we ended up in this situation in the first place and until we got to know that there was no telling if we'd get to go back to our usual lives. At the end of the night us, and Su Yeon had gotten to know each other a little better than a few hours ago.

"You guys can go rest. I'll clean these up before going to bed." She said as we all got up from where we were sitting.

"It's okay, we'll help." I said.

Since it would be a waste of time for all of us to clatter into the kitchen I suggested that Hobi and I could do the dishes while others get some rest. Suga hyung agreed without wasting a second and went on his way followed by Jungkook and Namjoon hyung too for the sake of keeping the kitchen in one piece. Jin hyung offered to take Hobi hyung's place but as we reminded that his arm is still injured, he agreed to just stay until we were done at least and so Tae went to bed as well while we cleaned up the place. Jin hyung helped a little here and there, saying that as long as his hands don't get wet it's okay.

"Thank you Seokjin." She smiled while taking the last clean plate from the hand of the eldest to wash and place it on the rack.

"It's weird to hear someone call me 'Seokjin', just say Jin." He said and the girl chuckled, agreeing to do so.

The first day of being Su Yeon's brothers was finally over.

I'm really sorry for the slow updates but with school and other work my schedule is just a mess-

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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