01 - Danger

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"All that I know is just goin' on and on and on and on
Kajyeowa bring the pain oh yeah"

The song came to an end and the cheers roared out loud again making us smile with content. The members were panting hard because of the hard choreography and we all soon got our water bottles to chug them down the throats in one go. I saw Hoseok hyung splash some on the ARMYs as well.

"Take a break Jimin, the next song will take a while, they said something came up and are trying to fix it." Namjoon hyung whispered to me before going towards other members as well.


I giggled seeing Jin hyung was back at it again. The fans' screams got louder in a millisecond and Jin Hyung waited until it died down a bit.

"Aren't you tired after several hours?"

"No~" The whole stadium answered.

"Aigoo don't lie, I'm sure you all are tired. So I'm going to tell you a little joke." Hyung's eyes sparkled while every other member started to groan. Yoongi Hyung didn't waste a second to refute.

"Ah Hyung please don't do it." He sighed out in frustration and we could hear the fans were very excited seeing Yoongi Hyung like this.

"Ah you guys missed the chance because of Yoongi, it's all his fault. Now I'm going to stand outside and if anyone asks, I'm out-standing okay?"

It took a little while for us all to process what he had just said and as soon as the realization hit there were mixed emotions everywhere.

"Oh my god Hyung!" Taehyung said with a smile he couldn't resist. I saw Jungkook just facepalm and sigh next to him. Yoongi Hyung looked so done while Hoseok Hyung was bursting out with laughter.

Just as usual.

"Hyung I have to admit it was pretty smooth." Namjoon Hyung said and Jin Hyung winked proudly.

"I almost thought you were actually going to get off the stage." The maknae admitted, giggling and going over to the eldest who just laughed. The fans burst into laughter and cheers as usual, lifting all our moods and making us all smile.

"Ah the best feeling ever is when I get to be on stage like this with the members and ARMY for sure. Like, I wish you could see yourselves from up here. All I see is such a beautiful view of bright purple stars all around me, it's simply amazing." Namjoon hyung said and we all nodded in agreement, eyes naturally going over the fans holding their ARMY bombs up in the air, all brightly lit in the color that's meant for us and us only, Purple.

Suddenly I heard some girl yell at the top of her lungs and we could all tell it wasn't a cheer or a call to us but a very terrified scream, causing us to panic and look around as well. The screams got louder in a second and I saw our bodyguards rushing towards where we were on stage.


Our manager screamed through the earpiece and out of panic I started looking around hastily to see what's going on but Yoongi hyung came towards me and dragged me away from the big screen, screaming at me to get as farther as possible. While I was being dragged I could see flashes of ARMY do the same as us, screaming and running away.

Before I could even process anything, we heard a huge smash and glass being shattered, noisy and panicked screams all over the place. The stage shook violently causing Yoongi hyung and I to trip and fall flat on our faces, feeling my skin getting wounded by glass flying everywhere. We covered our heads with our hands out of reflex before we heard a familiar voice shriek in pain. My blood turned cold at the realization the voice belonged to Taehyung and I immediately lifted my head from where I was on the floor to see the disaster happened, for the very first time.

The massive BTS logo that was in front of the big screen had collapsed right onto the place we were standing a few seconds ago and a few supporting poles and lights also scattered here and there. The sides of the stage exits were all blocked because of various stage set up equipments and chairs piled up due to the accident. My eyes scanned the place for Taehyung to see a beam projector had fallen onto his leg and before I could jump in there to help I felt my arm get tugged from behind.

"You stay here, I'll go help." Yoongi hyung said and ran off to help V.

A few bodyguards gathered around him as well, Jin hyung also rushing there ignoring a huge cut through his arm. I didn't want to just stand there and watch when my bestfriend was wriggling in such pain so I couldn't help but ignore hyung's words and run closer to him, crouching down beside Tae to immediately hold his hand with mine.

"Jimin are you okay?"

His words tugged at my heart painfully, watching him writhing in pain and still check on me first through gritted teeth.

"Look at yourself first you idiot."

I scolded and feel him squeeze my hand tightly when the staff removed the heavy beam projector off his leg. It wasn't a very pleasant sight and it was obvious that he would have to limp around for a while.

"Taehyung!" Namjoon hyung's voice came from behind me and I knew the others were all here too to check on the injured member on the ground beside me.

"Hyung the screen is leaning in!"

Jungkook pointed out causing us all to look up and see the screen leaning forward, only supported by a few wired and poles here and there.

"Help me get Taehyung out of here."

I wrapped one of his arms around my neck and helped him get up with the aid of Hobi hyung and Jin hyung, half carrying him as fast as we could hoping to get him somewhere safe. He winced in pain but didn't complain one bit, letting out sharp hisses and sighes each step we took.

We were almost out of danger zone when we heard a few metal clashes, almost as if alarming us about what was going to happen in a few seconds. I glanced at my back to see the big screen coming down as well, almost directly onto the place we were right now. All of us froze in terror when the screen hit the stage with a massive shattering noise, its edge just a couple of feet behind us. Because of the close proximity, we were all swiped off our feet again onto the floor, this time powerful enough to knock me out into a complete darkness.

Yayy I'm finally posting this and you cannot imagine how excited I am!!! I hope you guys enjoy another story with me and as always, let me know what you think of it.

Happy 9 Years with BTS everyone<3

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