09-Nov-2021 | Zhuzh

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Oh gosh it's been ages

Hello! I'm sorry I've been unintentionally away for a few months, I haven't made any updates on SIREN BAY or even started updating LUNA ECLIPSE, which I'll explain in a bit, but these past few months have been rather bonkers. 

What's happened then that I can tell you about...um.

Sydney came out of Lockdown! Over 100 days of being confined, not leaving your home and the 5km radius around your home, and watching the blithering news constantly, it's so nice to be back out and fully vaccinated and seeing the world again. 

I felt the sun on my face. SUNSHINE. I missed the sunshine, but at the moment Australia is going through a wet summer so there is also so much rain and thunder and my goodness why didn't this happen in lockdown why is there no nice weather to greet us - to be fair, I'm just ecstatic to be outside again. 

I have a job! I'm employed again, part-time, which is such a brilliant thing. I'm still battling chronic severe migraines but I'm, well, the best word to use is 'stable' although it technically isn't accurate at all. However, despite the migraines, I'm back working and it's been unfathomable, I'm so grateful to be in the workforce and back doing what I love, and I'm just utterly grateful that I'm, to a degree, back

My health's the same, not much to report on there. I'll permanently have chronic pain for the rest of my life, but I'm still me, and I'll still go on, you know? I'm no longer surviving day by day, I'm now living. I'm doing all the things others do, I just have chronic pain on top of that, but I'm still smiling because I'm back bitches!

I've been planning Christmas presents for myself and my family, which is lovely, and I've been spending all my new money from my new job onto things for myself and them. 

Everyone...I bought a lego set. 

It was the Bugatti Chiron car lego set. 

It was $450 AUD. 

This is why I shouldn't go shopping because what on earth have I done there! The most ridiculous purchase I've ever made but my goodness I am so excited and can't wait, it'll arrive in a few weeks and it's my Christmas present, from myself, to myself. 

We all have to do that, right? Buy a gift for ourselves to say, 'congratulations, you survived the human race's idiocy for another year, buy yourself a bread maker'. 

But, book wise, I've been reading a few things. I read DUNE, and also WINTERWOOD, and I'm currently reading an anthology called TREASURE PALACES, which is about 24 writers exploring 24 museums from around the world - it's really feeding my travel bug. 

Writing wise, however, is another story. Well, another paragraph at least. 

Essentially, I haven't written much since I last posted, back in August. The last few chapters of SIREN BAY are really scraping all energy from me, but I feel like it's slowly coming together offline. 

LUNA ECLIPSE, however, right. Okay. She's being naughty. I planned on finishing SB about six months ago, but that didn't happen (THANKS LOCKDOWN YOU BITCH) but now I've been writing her off screen, right, and my plan was to write LE in between SB, when I wasn't creatively up for SB so I'd use LE as an outlet, so I am a few chapters into LE but I wanted to be at least 10 chapters in before the end of the year, and I definitely wanted to have uploaded the first few chapters by now. 

Instead, that 'COMING IN 2021' banner in the title is haunting me

To quote my mother, and my colleagues, sometimes outfits need a little zhuzh to provide a little flare and love and funk into something, you know? A vibe, an energy, a zhuzhing. I think that's how you spell it, I Googled it before writing this because it's a fun word, but it has, like, 9 different spellings so we're going with this one and rolling with it. 

So, as the year starts to come to an end, I have a few things I want to have completed on this account, for these books, and I'm putting them here so I have a permanent reminder for myself. 

Here are the future books in the works; 

- Siren Bay

- Luna Eclipse #1 & #2 

- Untitled WLW Mage wip (At least 3 novels) 

- Norse Mythos Murder Mystery 'E.O.T.S'

- Adult High Fantasy, LOTR inspired 'W.T.K.B.T.S'

- Romantic Comedy,  Adult Genre 'M.M.'

- Contemporary, 'T.O.O.I'

It might take me a while, with my slowly but surely scheduling, but every now and then, zhuzh me up and I'll get the ball rolling a little faster if I can. 

I'll chat to you soon (I mean that), 

With love, 

Libby x

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