(81): Uncle Ky

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He's sleeping again.

I think they put something in his drip because he keeps waking up and falling back asleep in literally a number of seconds. One minute we're having a conversation and the next I'm waiting for an answer only to hear soft snores above me.

My poor baby.

Today is day three in the hospital and day two of him being up. Most of yesterday consisted of people visiting him. Nick, Winnie and Kat came as soon as they could, while Nathan and I were still in. Winnie broke down crying because she couldn't believe what had happened. Nick was trying his hardest not to. It was really heartbreaking to watch. We were 'kicked out' for a few hours because he had to go for some scans but we came back as soon as visiting hours were back on. The doctors aren't too strict with us.

I wanted to sleep at the hospital with Kyle but Riley and his mom thought it was a bad idea (we were the last to leave). Kyle and I thought it was a good idea but apparently our opinions don't matter. Anyway, Mrs Chambers insisted on dropping me off and I slept at Winnie's because I was going to miss Kyle too much if I slept at ours. I woke up at an ungodly hour and started freshening up. I may or may not have stolen Winnie's car. I was already at the hospital again by 04:45. I had to beg the doctors to let me and luckily they did. He was still sleeping so I creeped carefully into his bed and started sleeping too since I was also tired.

I got up before him again and scrolled through the hospital Netflix to settle on rewatching Friends. He woke up a few minutes after and started kissing me. We spoke, he slept then woke up again, and that's just kind of how it's been for the past five hours or so.

"Hi" I hear a whisper.

I almost fall off the bed at that sudden voice which does not belong to Kyle. I turn to my side to see his young nurse that I'm not too fond of watching me weirdly.

"Yes?" I reply.

"Uh, do the doctors know you're here? I don't think you're supposed to be"

I basically scoff "Yes they do"

"Okay, I'm just making sure. Don't put too much pressure on his chest. That's where his operation was"

"I know"

I can see her roll her eyes "Okay, I have to wake him up for his meal now"

"Just bring it, I'll help him"

She looks like she wants to say something but luckily doesn't before shooting me a look and walking out.

I start to shake Kyle softly so he can wake up "Babe?" I try but it doesn't work. I shake him harder and he starts to squirm under me.

"Morning" He greets groggily and I sit up so he can too as he rubs his knuckles to his eyes before letting out a loud yawn and stretching "What episode are we on?"

"We?" I laugh "You were sleeping"

I climb off the bed and sit on the chair next to him just so he has more space.

"It's the drugs" He excuses.

"Okay well your nurse is about to come with your food. You're hungry, right?"

He shrugs "I guess"


He gets up suddenly. He can walk. He can actually do everything, I saw it yesterday. I'm just glad he wasn't too physically hurt in any of this. He's wearing blue hospital clothes- which basically look like pajamas- and they make him look so cute.

"What are you doing?" I question.

"Well I have to brush my teeth first" He replies and I notice that he's walking to the basin on the side of the room. He grabs a toothbrush, which I'm guessing was provided by the hospital because I didn't bring him one, and starts brushing his teeth slowly.

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