(20): Bitter-Sweet

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"Kat wanted to go shopping. Do you think we should call her?" I ask Winnie.

She woke me up this morning, telling me that the boys had already left and it was a good idea if I continued my sleep in her room. I fully woke up instead, showering and eating before going to her's.

We didn't really speak much the whole time because I was scared that if we did, I'd start asking her questions about my finding from last night. I don't think she'd appreciate that.

She noticed my silence and asked what was wrong. I just told her that I had a headache. It was half true though.

She nods eagerly "Yess. I'm in desperate need of new clothing"

I then dial Kat's number, informing her to meet us at the mall. I then wait for Winnie to get ready before she drives us there.

"Hi, my bitches" Kat greets excitedly when she sees us. I haven't been inside this mall in such a long time but it's still as big as I remember.

I would know because Kat always used to drag me with her and go inside all the shops. Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm kind of dreading this. I guess I just wanted to get out of the house.

"Hi Nathan's bitch" Winnie teases cause the both of us to laugh and Kat to scowl.

"Only he can call me that"

Winnie covers up her laugh "Okay sorry"

"Let's get shopping" She grins happily.

Oh good lord.

"I totally agree" Winnie also grins. Oh no, I'm with two shopaholics.

Kat narrows her eyes at me when she sees my lack of enthusiasm "You, lady, will very much shop too, okay? No excuses. It's time to put all that money your dad sends you to use."

"I guess" I shrug as we start to walk around "Did I tell you that he called the other day?"

Her eyes widen "He did?"

"Wait, I'm confused" Winnie chirps "Isn't he supposed to?"

"Well I think the last time he did was a year ago" I inform her "So it's a surprise every time he does"

Winnie frowns "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that"

I wave her off "Don't be. I'm used to it"

"But he sends her a big stack of cash all the time" Kat says to try and make the mood lighter "Which today she will be using to shop until she drops"

I can't help but smile.

The two of them find a clothing store they're interested in and drag me along "Okay, so our full attention is on you, Chels. We will help you pick" Winnie announces.

"No you don't have to"

"We want to" Kat interrupts sternly.

I groan "Okay fine then. I guess I need dresses and a few jeans"

"Good" Kat grins satisfied that I gave in.


"Can I please tell you about my day yesterday. It was absolutely horrible. Kat and Winnie dragged me to go shopping with them and I was so exhausted after" I rant to a very uninterested Kyle. "I even bought things I didn't need just to get them off my back"

I'm guessing he only got to the apartment a few hours ago after visiting his home which means that he didn't attend class because they're all over now.

"I don't really care" He tells me watching something on TV, with me right next to him on the couch.

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