(41): Almost... Again!

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hope you guys are staying at home xx 🖤


So... wanna tell me what happened yesterday?" Nathan asks curiously walking next to me.

I don't really know where we're going. After breakfast, Nick just told all of us to get dressed and ready because he wanted to show us something and now we're just following him. He's walking with Kyle, Kat is walking with Winnie leaving Nathan and I at the back.

How am I always at the back?

"What are you talking about?" I ask "A lot of things happened yesterday"

He gives me a look as if hoping I'll catch on before sighing "You and Kyle? You know, when I walked in on you guys?"

"Ohh" I drag saying nothing else.

"Speak" He demands impatiently.

I shrug thoughtfully "Uh well, I don't really know. I think we were about to kiss"

"Obviously" He deadpans "I saw it for myself but why exactly? Did you two finally confess your feelings?"

"No" I screech "We just spoke"

"Spoke?" He furrows his eyebrows confused "How does speaking lead to you guys almost kissing?"

"We spoke about something important"

He hums "Interesting. So when do you plan on telling the guy?"

"Never" I reply "He doesn't even like me"

"How do you know?"

I frown "Yesterday he called me his friend. He friendzoned me, that obviously means he doesn't like me"

"No it doesn't" He says. "He probably think you don't like him"

"Well, I do" I whine pouting.

"He doesn't know that. He could"

"Have you guys had this conversation?" I ask him curiously "Like, have you asked him about me?"

He nods "Sure"

"What'd he say?" I press impatiently.

"I can't tell you that, little player. How would you feel if I told him the things you tell me?"

"Come on" I urge desperately "Just give me hint"

He grins "I'll give the same one I always give you: you have nothing to worry about"

"I don't even know what that means" I groan.

"You'll know soon enough" He assures to which I just scowl.

"You suck"

He snorts "You'll thank me later"

"Anyways did Kathrine tell you why she doesn't approve of mine and Kyle's friendship?" I ask him curiously.

He shrugs "I just think she seriously doesn't like him"

"She didn't say anything when I told her that I liked him" I counter thoughtfully "Why does she suddenly have a problem now?"

"You never know with her, huh?"

I nod "Tell me about it. I'll just have to ask her myself."

We reach the others as they were waiting for us. They are waiting outside some huge building which I've noticed before but never really bothered asking about it.

"Nice of you guys to finally join us" Nick says to which I just roll my eyes "Anyways welcome to the... ice skating rink"

I grin happily "Yay! I love ice skating"

Mr Rude & Me (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now