Chapter 36

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Not edited*

Ivan's pov.

I slammed my fist against my desk as I read yet another letter from this mystery person who no doubt had to be connected to Amelia's father. I've received a letter similar to this one everyday since Amelia and I confronted her parents. The letters always contained the same information about how I needed to stay away from Amelia or the consequences would be catastrophic.

Personally, I thought these letters were a bit irritating considering I knew what to expect after the second one was laying on my desk. Having enough of this nonsense, I got up and charged straight for the door ready to put an end to this.

Getting into my limo, I directed my driver to my desired location, ready to face this bull head on. It took all but about 15 minutes to reach Alejandro's establishment as I quickly thanked my driver and stepped out of the vehicle. Walking into the building, I didn't bother to acknowledge the receptionist who clearly was surprised by my sudden appearance which caused the security guard to step forward.

"Mr. Stone, you-you can't go up there without an appointment" she shouted after me in attempt to stop me from going any further. I whipped my head around and charged straight for her desk, slamming my hands against the marbled counter angrily.

"I don't need an appointment to see your pathetic excuse for a boss so you can either let me be or have your petty little security guard try to escort me out" I thundered, not giving her a chance to respond before continuing towards the elevators.

Getting into the elevator, I didn't acknowledge the fellow also in the elevator whose smile was more than eager for someone who worked in this building.

"You're Ivan Stone" the man blurted in an English accent.

"Yes" I answered confused as to why that mattered to him. I watched as his smile widened even further which I must admit, scared me a tad bit.

"Successful businessman and owner of Amelia Winters heart, correct?" he continued, his cheeky grin not wavering an inch.

"Is there a point to all of this or do you just enjoy telling people what they already know?" I asked slightly annoyed at why I was receiving this speech about myself. His smile only got bigger which I didn't think possible as he took a few steps towards me.

"Well fine gentleman, I met your better half in this very elevator and I must say, she was far more appreciative of my presence." he joked causing me to furrow my eyebrows in moderate frustration.

"If there's a point to all of this, I suggest you get to it before the elevator reaches my destination." I urged as the elevator got closer to my desired floor number.

"Well come to think of it, I really have no idea why I'm speaking to you." He muttered to himself before directing his attention back to me "Nevermind that, Philip Wagner, nice to make your acquaintance" he introduced himself slightly bowing in my direction.

"You are a strange man Mr. Wagner" I replied

"I get that a lot but at least my personality is more memorable than most and that's all that matters right?"

"You are absolutely correct but I must be going, I have an important appointment to get to" I said while stepping out of the elevator and beginning my walk down to Alejandro's office.

"Have fun Mr. Stone!" Philip shouted from down the hall, gaining the attention of several employees. I waved my hand in his direction while continuing to the end of the hall not wasting any time as I pushed the door open.

The sight that came before me already engraved itself deep inside my brain as I turned away in disgust. I waited patiently as the shuffling of feet and the sound of a belt being buckled seized before turning myself towards Alejandro.

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