Chapter 25

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I've decided I'm going to do a mini contest and here's how the rules work: You must comment/message me reasons why you love the book/ suggestions you have for the book as well as anything that'll make me laugh or smile:) Winner will get to be a character in this book as well as a chapter dedicated to them. This will only work if I have enough people interested in doing this. May the best user win and without further ado, here's chapter 25!
Amelia's pov.

I woke up to the sound of talking but decided to listen.

"How long do I have to be gone for" Ivan said sounding highly irritated. I don't try to make out the other voice and instead wait for Ivan's response.

"Fine but if I feel even the slightest amount of disrespect the deal is off" Ivan says huffing after the phone ends. I move around a bit before opening my eyes and pretending to have just woken up.

"Mia cara, did I wake you" he asks apologetically and I smile while shaking my head.

"It's fine, I usually wake up around this time anyway" I assure him and he nods distractedly.

"Is something bothering you" I ask while sitting up causing Ivan's gaze to fall on my chest. His expression darkens and I look at him confused before following his gaze. Blushing, I pull up the sheets to cover my bare chest causing him to groan.

"Why must you be such a tease, Amelia" he asks clearly frustrated.

"Not my fault everything I do seems to turn you on, sounds to me like you've got a bit of a problem" I sass adding a devious smirk to the end. He shakes his head with a smile before getting up to go to the bathroom. I attempt to get up but fall back on the bed once the soreness kicks in. I groan at the discomfort causing Ivan to smirk once he understands my situation.

"I forget how small you are compared to me and can't control myself when making love to you" he replies cheekily while coming back to lift me up. I blush and hide my face into his bare chest causing him to chuckle.

"You're adorable when you blush" he tells me further increasing my embarrassment.

"Shut up" I respond not having anything else to say. He sets me down in the bath tub and steps in behind me while turning on the hot water.

We spent the entire shower washing each other while stealing kisses every now and then. Ivan stepped out of the shower and grabbed each of us towels to dry ourselves. The soreness was very faint but I could definitely feel it there. We walked back into the room together and quickly got dressed knowing fully well about the busy day ahead of us.

"Do you want anything to eat sweetheart" Ivan asked as he rummaged through the fridge.

"I'm good for now thanks babe" I respond while putting on my heels. I stood up and flattened my dress while Ivan stuffed his face like an animal.

"You know for a world renown businessman I'd figure you'd eat more politely instead of like a caveman" I joke while staring at his stuffed mouth.

"Good thing you're the only one I act like a caveman around" he flirts after swallowing his food adding a wink at the end.

"I'm pretty sure your employees would beg to differ" I dismiss giggling at his crestfallen face.

"Damn babe, no need to be so rough" he adds jokingly and I shake my head.

"I'm gonna drive my car to work and I'll meet you there" I tell him while walking towards the door. Seconds later I'm pushed up against the wall causing me to gasp in surprise.

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