Chapter 14

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Important A/N at the end of the chapter!!

The next morning I woke up with a warm feeling of a presence behind me. Startled, I screamed and kicked the person away from me making them land on the ground with a thud. I pull the blanket closer to my body when the stranger groans loudly. I peep over the bed to see none other than Ivan Stone on the floor half naked.

"Jesus mia cara! You said I could sleep with you last night" he groans dragging himself off the floor and back onto the bed.

"I kinda forgot I spent the night" I replied sheepishly watching him rub his neck in pain.

"Next time a little warning before you horse kick me off my own bed" he responds and it was then I noticed how deep and sexy his morning voice was. My body starts tingling at just the sheer sound of it and I quickly get off the bed. I run my fingers through my hair to distract myself from the half naked greek god sitting on the bed. I raise my hands up above my head stretching while making unladylike sounds.

"Nice underwear" I hear Ivan say behind me huskily and I turn towards him quickly to glare.

"Pervert" I mumble while tugging my shirt down further. I walk into his bathroom and close it behind me so that I could do my business. Washing my hands, I open the door a crack to stick my head through.

"Do you have a spare toothbrush I could borrow" I ask praying his answer was yes.

"Left cabinet by the sink, second drawer from the top" he responds, his voice mumbled by the blanket over his head. Nodding, I shut the door again and open the cabinet to pull out a toothbrush. I quickly brush my teeth and wash my face with cold water to wake myself up. Once I'm finished, I give myself a smile in the mirror and walk back into the bedroom. The room was completely empty and I started to panic until I heard movement downstairs. I walk down the spiral stairs and enter the kitchen to see Ivan taking out various items. I quickly walk over to him and grab his arms to make him stop his task.

"I want to cook for you today" I shyly tell him blushing. He gives me a huge smile and nods before responding.

"What are you going to make mia cara" he asks and I let go of his arms to walk around him before grabbing the wooden spatula.

"It's a surprise, now get out of my kitchen" I exclaim hitting his ass with the wooden spatula. He jolts at my actions and looks at me lustfully before complying. He walks out of the kitchen and leaves me to my thoughts.

"What am I gonna make" I whisper to myself while opening the fridge to see what he had. I grabbed the eggs, milk,peppers,cheese and other ingredients deciding on making a huge breakfast. I started with the hash browns and just put them into the oven to cook. I saw leftover pancake batter from last night and decided to make that as well as some omelettes and hash browns. I also get a pan to cook the bacon in and I finish everything in about forty five minutes.

I set out plates, cups and silverware as well as all the food I made. I walk back towards the fridge and grab orange juice to set on the counter. I smile at myself triumphantly going into the living room to call Ivan in. I see him laying on the couch watching a football game, a look of complete interest on his face. I tip toe towards the couch and pounce on him when he least expected it.

"Breakfast is ready" I exclaim as he jumps at my sudden appearance. I giggle as he gives me a playful glare but I give him a sweet kiss and his expression changes into a content one.

"Then what are we waiting for mia cara" he asks, lifting me up by my waist and carrying me into the kitchen. He sits down on a stool and sits me on his lap as he grabs a plate for us to share I assume. He piles loads of food onto the plate and situates it in front of us. I pick up the fork to grab some eggs and a church of bacon on the fork before holding it out in front of Ivan's mouth.

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