• boyfriends. •

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I wake up to Jack rushing up and running to the bathroom. I get up and follow him quickly. He sat besides the toilet and started puking, I sat besides him and rubbed his back. "First time drinking, never the best." I say as he puts his head back into the toilet and pukes again.
He stops puking and coughs, "I'm never drinking again." He says as he puts his hand on his head. "My head is throbbing." He groans as he flushed the toilet. "I know what can help." I say as I get up and rush towards the kitchen. I grab a bowl and fill it with ice water. He comes over and stands by me, confused.
"Dip your face into this." I push the bowl towards him. He tucks his hair behind his ears and slowly dips his face into the water. He holds it for a few seconds and then lifts his head back up. I grab him a towel and he wipes his face off.
I go into my room and change, I grab my socks and put them on. "Let's go get you some clothes for school." I tell him as I slide my shoes on.
When we go to his house I wait in the car as he changes. He comes out in a new outfit and quickly sits back down. I drive us to school.
When we get into school there was balloons everywhere, banners, and random shit everywhere.
"Holy shit, I totally fucking forgot." I mumble under my breath.
"What's all this?" He responds back confused.
"The dance, it's tonight."
"Oh. I don't go to that type of stuff."
"What?! No! We have to go! I've been to every single dance."
"Wouldn't it be weird? I mean.. every other dance you've been with a girlfriend. Wouldn't it.. be a bit weird?" He looks into his locker a bit upset.
I put my hand on his jawline and pull him towards me, I lean down a bit to get close to his face and he turns really pink. His eyes widen a lot, "I'm gonna take my boyfriend to the dance." I let go of him and smile as I walk away backwards. Turning to head towards my locker. I grab my stuff from my locker and head to my class. When I sit down Jack was already sitting down, he looked really shocked as he stared at his desk. He was like it's all school day, barely talking. Still a bit shocked. I'm a bit confused about what he's so shocked about.
I wait for him in my car at the end of the day. It takes him a while to come but he soon sits down in the passenger seat.
"What's wrong? You've been quiet all day." I ask him while holding eye contact. He turns pink, "I'm.. your boyfriend? You're my boyfriend?" He says as his face turns into a smile.
"You're my boyfriend, I'm your boyfriend." I say as I pull him in for a kiss. We break the kiss and smile as we separate. I start the car and drive to jacks house, I pull up and unlock the door.
"I don't want to leave yooooou!!" He groans, "Don't be a baby. You're gonna see me at the dance tonight." I laugh a bit. He grabs the door knob but I pull him back, giving him a kiss on the cheek then letting him go. He runs to his door and waves at me before closing it. I drive off and go to my house. I enter my house and rush to my room, looking for my suit. I find it and quickly lay it on my bed. I run into the bathroom and search for my hair shit. I'm rushing as if I don't have a few hours until the dance, but that doesn't matter. I jump in the shower and I take what seems to be the quickest shower ever. I jump out and dry myself off. I throw on some random clothes and do my hair. I brush my teeth, mouthwash, and floss. I blow dry my hair before taking off my clothes and putting the suit on. Wouldn't want to get the suit wet right?
I do my hair quickly and check the time. I still have about an hour left. Oh, I guess I didn't have to go that quick.

I rush into my house and run into the living room, my mom and dad sitting on the couch. "Mom, dad. I have to go to a dance tonight, so after I'm ready you HAVE to drop me off! Pretty please?!" I kinda shout in excitement while pacing back and forth.
"Since when do you go to dances?" My dad says confused.
"Since now!"
"Well... I guess we can drop you of-" before my mom finished her sentence I bolted up the stairs to my room. I would take a shower but I took one yesterday. I surprisingly have a suit in my closet. Seems like it would fit. I put it on and sit down at my vanity and start doing my hair. God, how do I style it? I think for a bit then just brush my hair normally. I don't have hair gel so I just do my hair how I do it normally.
I don't go all out but I put on some makeup.

God, I'm scared.

words: 915 :)

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