• possibly, a tiny crush. •

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— note before you read:
hey there!! This chapters gonna be a little time rewind to see how Jack was before Luke. It might be a bit confusing but yeah :,)
I walk into my first hour and find a seat, I sat besides Luke but it wasn't on purpose. I kept glancing at him while he talks to his friends around him. He has beautiful blonde hair and a sharp jawline. 
As I stare at him for a bit he turns his head and we make eye contact. I quickly look back to my work, god that was so embarrassing. "Yo! Jack! mate! Can you do our work?" I hear Carson say, I look at him annoyed. "We can even give you a little reward!" He does that thing where you click your tongue to the inside of you cheek and go back and forth with your hand. They all began to hysterically laugh. Luke wasn't laughing though. He was looking at me, even maybe my hair. I look back at my work, I hate luke. God, I hate him. Why does he have to be so manipulative?
Okay, okay. Slow down, he hasn't done anything wrong. Besides bully me multiple times... but that's besides the point.
I finish my work as the school bell rings. Carson and their friends leave but like grabs my arm as I walk and pulls me back, we make eye contact for second until he lets go. "Sorry about them." He mumbled. "It's fine. I'm used to it." I respond.
Butterflies are flying around my stomach and my face turns pink. He nods and runs to catch up with his friends. I run to my locker quickly and islya chases after me. "Ummm.. what was that?? You were totally blushing!" She screamed in excitement. "Islya stop!! It was.. nothing." I hide my face in my locker. "Boy.. you've been obsessed with him since 5th grade. It was obviously something. Don't lie to me!" She slams my locked open and giggles. "I'm not obsessed!" I say back, "oh okay.. then don't go to his football game today."
"What?! I can't!- I mean.. um.. I can, but I want to support the school!" I quickly say back.
"Mhmm.. or you just want to see him." She laughs, I stay quiet.
"Mhmm! Luke! Oh Luke! Your so hot!" She laughs again, I shove her a bit. "Shut up! Girl, you are so embarrassing."
The bell rings and I go to my next class. Somehow, me and Luke have all the same classes together. Coincidence right? All day I noticed him looking at me, not that I was looking at him or anything. The last bell of the day rings and I go to my locker. I grab all my stuff and start heading towards the front door until I realized, luke has a football practice today. I bolt backwards and head to the back doors. There was barely anyone on the bleachers, but that personally was even better. Islya was right. I am a bit obsessed with him. But who can blame me? Look at him. He's a tall, blonde, muscular, hot lookin guy! He looks like "the perfect guy". His hair looks so pretty when it's wet, gross thinking that's all just sweat though. I see his team run to the side to grab water, Luke poured some water on himself. He looks, amazing. I wish he knew me for me and not "nerd guy" or "nerdy jack". But I wouldn't want to ruin his perfect reputation, a popular school football boy? Hah. I could never. After the football practice I wasn't sure where to go. I got up and started wandering around the school a bit. I wasn't suppose to be in there but I really didn't care. As I was walking I heard a noise behind me, I started walking backwards then suddenly someone appears behind me. I bump into them, "omg! I'm sor-" I turn around and see Luke. "What are you doing here? School ended 40 minutes ago..?" He questioned me. "Oh! Uh, hmm. Uh.." I try to think of an excuse.
He walked up close to me, really close to me. He lifted my chin up with a finger, "You were at my practice, weren't you?"
My face turns red.
My heart beats fast.
What is this feeling?
I stare into his eyes for a bit until I realize what I'm doing. I push myself away, "I've.. got to go." I quickly run away.
I walk to my house and close the door. I run up to my room and drop my bag in the floor and grabbed my phone to text islya.

(islya, oh my god.)
(islya. I'm gonna have a panic attack.)


(I ran into Luke, like.. bumped into him on accident. He got really really close to me and put his hand on my chin, LIFTING IT UP TO SEE HIM!!! WTF DO I DO!!!!!)


(I can't islya! What if he was just messing with me? Oh my god... I totally fell for it. omg... I'm so embarrassed!!!)

(If you don't make a move tomorrow... nuh uh uh... L+J forever.)

I toss my phone on my bed and grab a pillow, screaming into it. I can't believe this. I can't distract myself, I grab my homework and finish it. I soon get up and fall asleep in bed.
When I wake up, it feels like every other day. I grab my clothes, boots, and bag. I walk out the door and start heading to school.
When I walk to my locker, islya jumps besides my locker. "God islya! You scared me!"
"Did you talk to him yet? Has he talked to you?
She jumped up and down, "No! And I'm not gonna! We are not talking about this islya." I close my locker and walk into the classroom, I sit down in a window seat. I don't really pay attention to anyone besides me. The bell rings and I begin to work on my work.

I suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder.

words: 1039

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