~Chapter 17~

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Silence is quite an ironic word in itself. During silence, we unconsciously crave and search for any signs of noise to bring us comfort. But silence does it in an almost painful way. When everything is quiet, the silence rings in our ears which in turn strains them to hear at least something. I didn't hate silence but I just didn't prefer it. However I felt its force today. 

My apartment wasn't quiet but there was something sad about it. It must be the negative energy being transferred everywhere and I just wanted the whole world to hush and stop talking bullshit. Such moments make me realize that silence is louder and more overbearing than the obnoxious noises themselves.

With my hair tied up in a messy bun and face void of any color or emotions, I sat on my couch in the living room. More like slept with the way half my back was on the sitting place and my legs stretched out in front of me.

My television was on but I steer clear from the news channels splotching my face everywhere recklessly. They all called it a "scandalous affair" and I had to scoff every time I would see or hear it. That wasn't even the worst thing. Headlines like, "Skye Williams seen with a girl for the first time", "He's not gay - Proven?" were sailing everywhere. There was nothing to limit their offensive pen.

I was paying half attention to the reruns of 'Man With A Plan' while trying to send in my resume into different advertising agencies.

A bowl of dates was meticulously placed on my stomach because it so happens to be my comfort food. The chocolate wrappers were strewn across the floor carelessly. I had spent the whole night crying yesterday which was why I was coping with everything without tears.

The massive headache didn't help either, making me directly drink water from the jug to get rid of all the pain and stay hydrated because of my loss of "water".

My favorite month was turning out to be ugly. Shutting off my laptop with more force than required, I put all my concentration on my favorite show. I thought that nothing could bring a smile to my face but this show always brightens up my mood. I was trying not to laugh but every few seconds, a genuine spurt of silent chuckles released from my lips.

When my laughs reached their heights and with all the water accumulated back into my body, reality crashed in on me again. I switched off the television and threw off the remote with no care in the world.

Tears were cascading down my cheeks again and I covered my face when my whole body shook with the silent sobs. I bit my lip and pushed away my dark strands sticking on my face. Tapping on my chest softly, I tried to stop the pain but it just wouldn't go away.

I started crying like a baby. I was crying like a baby and I didn't care.

Until yesterday, I was beyond happy with my life but then everything was snatched out of my hands within a blink of an eye.

I liked Skye but he pushed me inside the veil of darkness just so he could get out. Liked? I thought despondently. No. I still do like him and I still believe that he must have had his reasons.

Curling myself on the couch, I stared off into space with a tight hold clutch on my bowl of dates.

I was about to fall asleep when I was jolted out of my almost slumber because of my shrilly doorbell ringing. I groaned, not wanting to open the door but the person on the other end could have been qualified for being annoying. They were incessantly ringing the bell, making my ears feel stuffed.

I put on my slippers lazily and took a tissue to wipe away the remnants of my tears. Walking a few steps toward my main door, I opened it with droopy eyes. I always check the peephole but today, I felt like I'd lost more brain cells than I ever have in my entire life.

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