~Chapter 02~

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As I walked toward my section, I couldn't help but notice the buzzing energy around the office. Everyone was running in all directions with urgency in their every action.

With perplexed steps, I reached my cubicle and took a seat. I noticed that Chelsea wasn't here and I was about to power on my computer when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I glanced up to see Samantha, the same woman as yesterday, who'd asked me if I was new.

"Valerie Jones?" She asked for clarification and I nodded my head. "Cool. I am Samantha Hughes, the in-charge of the creatives team. Today we're having the whole department meeting so I am here to fetch you, Jones. Come on." She jogged in some direction without waiting for my reply.

I quickly followed her, pursing my lips. I hate when anybody calls me by my last name without the "Ms." part. I just find it irksome for some reason. Not wanting to dwell on that trivial matter much, my thoughts wandered toward this impromptu meeting. It wasn't like this yesterday or maybe it must have happened after my leave. Who knows, right?

Samantha and I stopped in front of a door with a plaque on it that read, 'Fire Up Days Room'.

Is this a joke?! I thought and almost snorted when Samantha opened the door and ushered me in. She closed it behind her and took off to stand in the front alongside Ms. Maxwell and others, who I assumed were other teams' in-charge.

As I couldn't spot Chelsea in the heavily crowded room, I sat down on a random chair at the back. There must be about 70 to 80 people in this room which itself was a huge one. The walls were painted in plain white with the entire room looking mundane. The murmurs and soft laughter could be heard along with the humming of the air conditioners.

I was on the far end of the row with a guy sitting to my left. He looked a year or two older than me, giving off the "uninterested" vibes as he was playing some video game on his cellphone. He had raven black hair just like mine and a brown skin tone. He looked comical with the way he was squinting his eyes, his tongue jutting out and his shoulders jerking from left to right.

"Settle down," Ms. Maxwell finally announced after having a small discussion with the ones accompanying her on the podium. The command was crisp and no one dared to defy her order.

The room went into a silent hush almost immediately. My eyes sparkled with admiration for this woman because she has the ability to bring down the storm with just the snap of her fingers.

"Listen up, folks, because I don't like to repeat my words more than once," she started and took a pause, her hawk-like eyes cutting through everyone's souls. Ms. Maxwell exhaled as if she was satisfied with the quiet response. "Anyway, moving on, for those who are unaware about the term - 'Fire Up Days', then it's the period or era when all of us are to brainstorm for new ideas regarding the upcoming campaign. To put it simply, put your brain on fire but... not literally," she said with one of the tiniest smiles one could ever muster. It was like her whole demeanor changed.

Everyone laughed at her dry humor and I chuckled because it was quite fresh to see this new side of her.

"And yes, we're already starting on a new ad campaign. Groan or smile, depends on you. Now, as I've been informed from the upper management that the sales of Zedd cars are going down, it's been an off season for our business. I don't have the right to disclose the reason as to why but guys, it's your duty now to bring it back up with your unique and inexplicable ideas. A few of you must be happy to hustle around while some of y'all must be sagging your shoulders to have to work so much. But what I'll say is, I don't care." She passed a stern look at everyone.

So much for an inspiring pep talk but I liked it, I thought, sighing. The veins in my body were already charged with excitement to let my brain be on high alert for the exclusive ideas. Finally, I can think like an adult. Think like my dad.

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