~Chapter 04~

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"Ms. Jones," Ms. Maxwell said, acknowledging me in her signature stern voice. Sebestian took that as his cue to lead us to the other end of the room where the pictures of Zedd Automobile's new model were displayed. Soon after, he took a seat.

Feeling awkward, my eyes once again roved around everyone's kind faces. There were more than fifteen people and almost everyone was old but that's a given since Zedd is a huge enterprise.

"Hello, everyone. Good afternoon. I am Valerie Jones," I introduced myself and almost all of them nodded their heads. I swear I even saw a flabbergasted look passing across Skye Williams' face.

Seriously, does he know me? Or do I have a similar full name as someone he knows? Or even better, do I know him? I thought frustratedly.

"And um…" I muttered. Pursing my lips, I almost tucked my hands inside my pockets but stopped myself short before my actions would seem rude.

I felt intimidated by their stares for some reason which was a new thing because I've never felt this way before. My heart was beating uncannily fast and I had the sudden urge to flee.

"Ms. Jones," Ms. Maxwell repeated, her face showing the rarest of smiles. It was imperceptible but enough to calm me down. She handed me a stack of papers and I looked them over in a jiffy.

"I am sorry," I apologized, chuckling nervously. "I've never usually been this nervous," I said, waving to myself and trying to diffuse the thick tension in the air.

Before I could stop myself, my gaze fell upon Skye Williams. I don't know why I was acting the way I was but it has never happened to me. Well, except for that one phase of my life as a teenager wherein my eyes would usually skirt toward my long time crush. I remember he used to be my neighbor for a few years.

Get yourself together! I shouted internally.

"Well, you're still doing great, Ms. Jones." I've never heard Skye talking but I was mesmerized by his soft, velvety voice. I turned to him and found myself losing in his small yet magical smile.

Unbelievable! This is all happening because I haven't actually met someone as good looking as him nor do I have a single second to spare for guys. Yes! That must be it!

I looked around when I heard a clearing of the throat to find Ms. Maxwell giving me a reproachful look. Standing up straighter, I hastily composed my facial features into one of professionalism.

I slyly diverted my eyes toward Skye Williams again who was giving me a stimulating smile. I don't know what it was but I liked to think that it was his smile that somehow boosted my confidence.

Just as I cleared my throat, everyone started looking through the sheets of paper handed over to them by Sebestian. The low humming of the air conditioner and the rustling of papers coiled around my body to remind me that it was time to act like an employee instead of someone who's just charmed.

"So I'd been going through the previous ad campaigns and the constant similarities in each one of them is that it always focuses too much on the style or exterior of the automobile," I began, getting down straight to the business. "And the other thing that I've noticed is that it talks about all the features together by giving them all an equal importance which is not wrong but I think it isn't right either. I mean, talking about the foot mats and the tires isn't the same now, is it? Besides, information overload doesn't sound too good either," I explained in a no-nonsense tone.

I paused to gauge everybody's reaction and I could tell that they were aware of my next words already. Ms. Maxwell, on the other hand, maintained her impassive, stoic expression.

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