Before We Begin

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To my Luciano Family,

Luciano, to this day, is the first book I ever finished on a public website.  It was originally published in 2015 and completed in 2017.  In May 2017, I took the book down to mainly to rewrite the opening chapters.

I absolutely love this website.  If it weren't for Wattpad, I wouldn't have met nearly all of my beloved readers that I try and communicate with every day.  However, the one downside of Wattpad is that it's highly likely your writing will be judged on a piece of work you wrote years ago.

Between 2015 and 2017, I grew as a writer.  I got over my addiction to the ; button and somewhere along the line – I pray – I finally learned how to use to and too.  Many people commented on the fact that as you progress through the chapters of Luciano, you notice my writing change, get better, and I am so thankful for that.

With that being said, I did my best to rewrite the opening chapters (Chapters 1-10, mostly), but I still want to warn you of possible cringe-worthy dialogue, grammar errors, the misusing of to and too (mostly in opening chapters?), and my addiction to the ; button.

When I took Luciano down in the middle of May, I never imagined that it would be 2018 and the book would have yet to be put up.  I was a lazy lil hoe during the summer and as many of my Ghost readers know, at the end of July-Early August, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.

I put Ghost on hold to help out my mother and when I did so, I also put my computer down.  I went two, easily three months without opening a Word document and before I knew it, it was December.  I don't want to use that as an excuse, but more as an explanation as to why it took me so long to get Luciano re-published.

I want to thank everyone, all of you for your kind words, thoughts, and prayers during the second-half of 2017.  And I'm thankful and blessed to announce that my mother is cancer-free.

To my re-readers, the original Chapter 10 was deleted, rewritten and merged into – what now is – Chapter 9.  So for those who recall what happened in the original Chapter 19, now happens in Chapter 18 and so-on for any who are confused.

To my new readers, welcome, and thank you for giving this book even the slightest chance.  Thank you for waiting, for being patient, for following me even when I wasn't uploading, and for adding this book to – very interesting – reading lists.

I did my best to edit and rewrite, but of course, I'm still human.  I made mistakes and I missed previous mistakes and I apologize beforehand.

As I close, I hope you all enjoy the first book to the Luciano Series and be sure to look out for its sequel, Potere, which will appear on my profile very soon.


With that being said,

It's good to be back.

[ p.s. updating this tonight to test to see if a notification is sent out. if all goes well, I'll begin uploading chapters tomorrow. ]

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