Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: Oh, Faith...

I apologize in advance for any spelling errors and sorry if the chapter is kinda crappy! It was kind of rushed but...yeah. Enjoy!

edited, kinda

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Rosie was the first person I saw when I rolled over and opened my eyes. A soft glow of sunlight streamed through the two, small windows in the basement that were placed just high enough in the room to catch a glimpse of the sun. I yawned unattractively as I opened my eyes, only to see the seven year old with a finger against her lips, telling me to shush.

I was sent into immediate confusion, my mouth falling open in direct disobedient of her first command before her eyes went wide and she slammed her finger against her mouth again. My attention fluttered towards the other sleeping body behind her. Liam's back was towards us, his shoulders moving up and down slowly.

The little girl raised her hands in my line of sight and giggled as she shook the bottle of pink nail polish in front of my face. Oh God.

"Rosie!" I hissed as I shot up from my position on the soft mattress, eyes wide. Liam would be so pissed if she's planning to do what I think she's planning to do. "You can't just paint his nails pink!" She giggled as she took a step back and made her way over to Liam's still body. I crawled my way over there, ignoring all the blankets and pillows that sat in my way.

"He likes pink," She stated as she unscrewed the top. I groaned as she wiped the brush off on the edge of the bottle with a shaky hand. Thankfully, Liam's right hand was rested harmlessly on the mattress; his other however, wasn't the case. He had his left arm snugged awkwardly under his pillow. My attention stayed on his closed eyelids as Rosie started off with his thumb. "I'm going to do at least two coats on this hand."

Two layers?!

"Rosie, I'm sure - ''

I wasn't even able to finish my statement as Liam groaned and shifted his body ever so slightly, burying his face in his pillow even more. It was crazy how the muscles in his arms contracted at such a tiny movement. Rosie wrapped a hand around her mouth, attempting to stop herself from giggling and ruining the entire prank. When Liam finally lay still, she continued.

The pink nail polished glistened off Liam's right hand as Rosie started to wrap up. She was cautious and gentle as the tip of the brush left a smear of pink on Liam's pinkie. And that is when Luciano moved.

Both Rosie and I took a giant leap backwards as Liam brought his hand up to his eyes and rubbed. He groaned and mumbled something incoherent as he sat up, blinking rapidly. His eyebrows were pushed together, his hair standing up widely at all ends. Even early In the morning, Liam looked good. He glanced at me, then at Rosie - who smiled so wide, I mentally cursed. Don't give it away. 

"Why are you two staring at me?" His morning voice was deep and raspy; truthfully it sounded like he needed to take a moment and clear his throat. I glanced up at Rosie, who shrugged, still smiling. "Was I...talking in my sleep?" Liam yawned again as he lay back down, smacking his lips together.

I uttered a quiet, "Nope."

"Good," A smile crossed Liam's face as I looked up at Rosie, who was slowly backing up towards the entrance of the door. Luciano's hands were rested just in front of his closed eyelids - the second he opened them, he would know.

And open them he did.

His jaw clenched as he pushed himself up off the mattress in a flash of rage. A flash of pink flew out the room in seconds as Liam glanced at his pink finger nails again. "Cagna," His word was muffled as he crawled to his feet, still stumbling. A litany of Spanish words mixed with - what sounded like - Italian spewed out his mouth as he yelled at the girl. "Rosalie Marie Peters get your three-fourths black ass down here right now." I watched Liam jog out the room slowly; a few seconds later a high-pitched scream came from somewhere in the lower level of the house, making me laugh.

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