Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: Sorry for the wait for this chapter! School started and we all know how teachers like to assign work all at once! Here's the next chapter and enjoy the lovely cover up there!

edited, barely.

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My heart was racing as beads of sweat stuck to my forehead. I push the sleeves of my grey GAP hoodie to my elbows as I run a hand over my head. My purpose was to knock the hood off of my hair as I ran; it had been blocking the view behind me. Cold rain hit my cheeks and for a few seconds, the feeling actually stung. I taste salt as I swallow harshly, my own tears mixing in with the earth's natural water.

I stumble on a crack in the sidewalk before regaining my balance, my arms flailing. I make sure not to slow down, not even a bit, until I'm positive I have lost the person who was following me.

The man who was following me, to be precise; he was tall, muscular, and built. His profile was hard to decipher with the hood of a zip-up jacket that was tugged closely around his face. I was able to get a glimpse of jet black hair that was pressed against his forehead, damp from the rain. He hadn't spoken a word, but I was already deathly afraid of him.

I continued to run, my calves burning from a strain they weren't used to. Water splashed up in my face as I stepped into pools of standing water. "Stop," I mutter mainly to myself, knowing good and well the man following me couldn't hear my plea. "Stop!" The words are forced out of my mouth as I stop, ready to give in. My hands are pressed against my knees as I double over in exhaustion.

I turn my head to my right, staring down the sidewalk that had previously been behind me. There's no sight of anyone; no movement, no cars, no sign of human life.

My head whips into the opposite direction, scanning the lighted areas under the street lamps for any movement. But there is none. I see nothing, but I heard everything.

"Faith Crawford?" There was no hint of an accent that kissed this man's voice as I slowly, turned around. He stood there, hands shoved deep into the pockets of his ragged pair of jeans. He tilts his head upwards, the dim light hitting him at such an angle that the right side of his face stayed hidden. His jawline was sharp, so sharp in fact that if I wasn't petrified, I would run my finger across it just to see if it left a flesh wound.

The hood that covered most of his face fell back just a little, allowing me to get a good look at his eyes. They were no lovely shade of blue, or the popular color of grey that had women swooning, but they were hazel. The color of his eyes were nothing special, but the intensity of them kept my attention.

I blink once, before taking a frightened step backwards. "I've seen you before." I don't remember where, I don't remember when, and I don't remember who I was with, but there was no way I was wrong.

I had seen this man before.

"What do you want?"

He chuckles at my question, his lips peeling apart only to show the straightest, whitest teeth I had ever seen. They were the epitome of perfection; the long, hard work of a dentist had paid off. His smile lines were noticeable as he shook his head and took a step closer.

"I'm here to kill you."

I was never one to scream; but I screamed tonight. I shot up from the foreign set of pillows my head was previously resting on as I slapped the back of my hand to my forehead. My face was warm and damp from my perspiration. I let my mouth drop open as I heave in cool air, my lungs screaming in thanks. My heart thudded repeatedly against my chest as I grip at the shirt I had fallen asleep in, as if that were to slow the racing of my most vital muscle.

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