Chapter 14

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"...Which one of you is going to die first?"

Those words bounced around inside my head as I stood there frozen, waiting for Sheep Mask to make the first move that would probably mean my death.

Another horrible thought soon joined the first.

If I make a run for it now I might be able to make it out of here.

I quickly dismissed the thought, feeling terrible for even thinking about it. There was no way I was going to leave Archer, especially not after what he'd done for me. I'd made myself a promise that I planned to see through.

Sheep Mask took a step forward instantly snapping me out of my thoughts. He cocked his head to the side and spread his arms wide.

"Well? Who's it going to be?" Sheep Mask reached into the waistband of his dark jeans and pulled out a black hand gun. Slowly, like he had all the time in the world, which I guess he did, he took the safety off and aimed it at my head, sending new waves of raw fear coursing through me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Archer tense and clench his fists.

"You pretty girl?" Sheep Mask asked, amusement clear in his voice.

"Or..." he swept his arm to the left, now aiming it at Archer. "The wanna be bad ass?" The amusement was gone from his voice and was replaced with an almost animalistic growl.

To my surprise Archer spoke up, his voice calm and cold.

"You and your bat shit crazy friends are the ones calling all the shots right? So, why don't you tell me? It's not like you were going to give us a real choice anyway."

I momentarily forgot about Sheep Mask and whipped my head to look at Archer with wide eyes.

What was his problem?!

My small hope of making it out of here alive went straight down the drain.

Sheep Mask tightened his grip on the gun and took a step towards Archer.

"I guess it's decided then. " He hissed through the mask.

Archer shrugged his shoulders. "Guess so. Just try not to get blood on my hoodie, it's new."

Sheep Mask actually laughed, a loud dark rumbling sound that filled the cavernous room.

"Try not to get blood on your new hoodie?" Sheep Mask shook his head amusement now back in his voice. "Sorry to break it to you kid, but that can't be avoided when there's a bullet in your chest."

Archer raised an eyebrow in challenge.

"I never said it was going to be my blood." And as soon as the words left his mouth Archer lunged forward.

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