Chapter 4

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"What the hell?" I heard Archer mutter next to me.

I barely paid him any attention though. I was focused on the psycho with the gun standing in front of me.

I felt the train begin to move again and I let my eyes wander to the left, trying to see through the window into the next car.

There was another one of the darkly dressed figures standing in the middle of the car holding a wicked looking knife in his hand instead of a gun. He appeared to be speaking to the group of people in that car judging from their expressions. My eyes landed on an old man closest to the door that separated the cars.

As if sensing someone was looking at him he looked to the side and our eyes met. He had thinning gray hair and pale blue eyes. Wrinkles covered most of his face and he tried to give me a small reassuring smile, but it was obvious that he was terrified from the look on his face.

I couldn't blame him.

Screams were still ringing out around me and I had to suppress the urge to yell for everybody to shut up.

I couldn't think with everybody screaming in my ear.

A gunshot rang throughout the small space causing me to almost jump out of my seat. My ears were ringing and when I  looked up I saw the figure holding the gun in the air with their index finger wrapped around the trigger.

Everyone was silent now.

"Now that I have your attention I'd like to properly introduce myself." The figure pulled off the hood that had been covering their head and face, revealing a creepy flesh colored mask with holes cut out for the eyes and mouth and a shaggy mess of short greasy black hair on top of his head. When he spoke his voice was muffled by the mask but nonetheless I could still hear that it was deep and rough, like a smoker's voice.

"You can call me Dox." He continued.

I frowned at that.

What kind of criminal introduces themselves to their victims? I mean I doubted that if I made it out of this alive and went to police that they'd have someone named Dox in the system, but still.

"Now first things first, we need to get a few things straight. Any of you scream again, you die. Simple as that, understand?"

When no one answered he shot the gun into the air again causing everyone to jump but no one screamed.

"I guess you all understand. This ride will go by a lot more smoothly if you all just cooperate."

"What do you want?"

My head whipped to side to see what idiot had just opened their mouth when Dox had clearly just told us all to shut the hell up or else we'd be getting a bullet to the head and when I realized who it was my heart thudded rapidly in fear.

Dox turned his fleshy mask clad face toward Archer and tilted his head to the side before he took a few steps forward until he was right in front of us.

He seemed to study Archer for a moment before he raised the gun and pressed it to Archer's forehead.

I couldn't stop the sharp gasp that escaped my lips. My eyes had widened to the point of pain and my heart thudded harshly against my chest.

Archer on the other hand looked completely unfazed, like strange men held guns to his forehead all the time.

"How about you don't speak unless you're spoken to." Dox said coldly.

Archer didn't bother answering. He just stared back into the dark eye holes of the mask with a cool expression.

I was just about ready to pee my damn pants.

"Have you lost your tongue now boy? I'm talking to you. Now is the time when you speak." Dox said, his voice now starting to drip with anger.

Still, Archer didn't answer.

I saw Dox's finger begin to curl around the trigger and I turned to Archer who I saw look at me out of the corner of his eye.

I shook my head, silently begging him to just answer the man before he got himself killed.

I had no intention of watching someone's brain being blown out right in front of me.

Archer focused back on Dox and sighed heavily.

"Well..." Dox prompted.

"Fine." Archer said through gritted teeth.

Dox lowered his gun and patted Archer on the head like he was a puppy who had just fetched the newspaper.

"Good boy." Dox said before he walked back to the center of the train car, and although I couldn't see his face I knew he had to be smiling.

Archer clenched his fists until his knuckles turned white and I quickly put my own hand over one of his fists. This time Archer turned to look at me full on.

I shook my head again.

He really needed to calm down or he was going to end up getting us both killed, and dying was NOT on my agenda for today.

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