Chapter 9

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My legs were aching, my lungs were burning, and my head was spinning, all while I was running for my life.

It was like gym class all over again minus the running for my life bit.

I glanced to my left at Archer. There was a sheen of sweat covering his forehead causing a few strands of his hair to darken and stick to his forehead. A hard look was plastered on his face and if it wasn't for my obvious lack of stamina and lagging behind, I'm pretty sure he would've been moving a lot faster.

I really needed to start working out more.

If I lived that long, I definitely would.

As we continued running, my heart hammered furiously in my chest, and it felt like I was going to puke acid really soon. My hair was stuck to the back of my neck with sweat and I was extremely close to peeing my pants for like the third time today.

I started slowing down and eventually I just stopped. I couldn't keep going. I bent over with my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath.

Yeah, this was definitely like gym class all over again.

"Gemma we have to keep going." I glanced up at Archer and shook my head slightly.

"I... can't." I said through gasps for air.

"Yes you can. Now move your ass or I'll move it for you."

I would've scoffed if I wasn't dying from a lack of oxygen.

"Get... to... moving it then." I said as I swayed on my feet.

Damn, I was really out of shape.

Archer opened his mouth to say something else but he was cut off as an ear splitting scream echoed down the tunnel. I turned my head in the direction we had just come from.

The man we had left back there...

Another scream followed the first, cutting my thoughts short. This time the screaming didn't stop. It continued on and grew louder. It was filled with pain and fear that sent cold shivers up and down my spine.

What were they doing to him?

Archer walked up in front of me and he gently pulled my hands away from my ears. I hadn't even realized I had been covering them.

"Gemma come on, we have to go. Now." I nodded once, ignoring the pain I still felt in my chest and took off again with Archer at my side. The run was shorter and suddenly the tracks ended and we came to the tunnels Dox had mentioned earlier. I counted seven of them in all, all leading off into different directions.

"Which one do we pick?" I asked while glancing over my shoulder. I kept imagining Dox and his masked friends stalking down the dark train tracks and then suddenly popping up behind me and dragging me down one of the tunnels kicking and screaming.

"Pick a number, one through seven." Archer said quickly.

I frowned at him. "What?"

"Just pick a number." He demanded.


"Okay so we'll take that one." Archer pointed to the last tunnel to my right and started toward it with me right behind him.

Once inside, I had to start feeling my way around until my hands brushed against the cool stone wall of the tunnel. The light outside the tunnels had faded and there were no lightbulbs, and it was now pitch black.

I edged forward as fast as I could in the dark trying to keep myself from tripping or falling on my face.

I guess I was moving faster than I thought when my face slammed into Archer's back.

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