Wattpad Original

Chapter 47

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I scowled at the mirror, halfway wishing the scab on my head would have had the decency to anchor itself into my hair better. Instead, only one edge held onto a few hairs while the rest of it dangled loosely and brushed against my ear like a rebel.

With a grumble, I propped the mirror up on the dresser and began freeing the scab from the half a dozen hairs it was still attached to. The skin where it had previously sat was red, but the wound had completely healed. I wonder how many people are going to notice. I doubted I'd get through breakfast without someone spotting the change.

The scab came free, and I tucked the thin, crusty material into a pocket. There was no garbage can in my room, and it was better if I disposed of it in the forest where no one would find it. I rearranged my hair a bit to try and cover the spot, although anyone who was looking for it would be able to tell it had fallen off.

Shaking my head, I got up and decided to go to breakfast earlier than usual in hopes of fewer people being present. I exited the building and headed toward the dining hall. As I rounded the corner, I paused when I saw four younger men running in my direction. They swerved wider to run around me.

As they passed by, one called out in a hushed voice, "Run before she sees you!"

I could only think of one reason for people to be running like that at this time of the morning.

"Free hugs for everyone!"

You have got to be kidding me... This wasn't how I wanted to start my day. Two more people rounded the corner in a full-blown run. In hot pursuit, Nicky appeared behind them with a manic grin plastered across her face. I do not recall this being part of our deal.

I crossed my arms and held my ground; my instincts refused to run from an unarmed human, even if she was in lunatic mode. Nicky ran toward me with her arms outstretched, thinking I was an easy stationary target.

I growled lightly at her and uncrossed my arms so I could keep her from getting close. She made a few attempts to get past my defenses, but my swifter reflexes and greater strength gave me the upper hand, allowing me to keep her at arm's length and unable to hug me.

She gave up with a groan. "You're no fun."

"And that is precisely why I'm not invited to any parties."

She yawned as we headed for breakfast. It was oddly quiet as we entered the dining hall. Only a few people were present, possibly because many of the early risers had heard Nicky's calls for hugs and decided to be fashionably late today. We didn't even have to wait in line.

Once we sat down, Nicky promptly began stuffing herself with all the food she'd taken. More people trickled in as word spread that she had calmed down. I nibbled on a few slices of fruit, which was all that resided on my plate this morning.

People kept looking at us, and the extra attention stirred up my instincts. I couldn't pick individual words out of the faint din of voices; however, the two likeliest topics were Nicky's behavior and when I might be leaving if my only visible injury had healed.

When we finished eating, Nicky went to find out what her chores were for today, and I headed to the kitchen.


       I sat on the roof, which gave me an excellent view of the activity spread throughout the Stronghold as people worked. Even the lightest nap wouldn't come this afternoon, and I had tried for several hours. It was another sign that my healing rate was rapidly diminishing.

The two remaining scabs on my chest would probably fall off within a couple of days. Despite how badly my leg had been injured, my doctoring had done wonders. It didn't even pain me now. I still kept my speed to a slow walk to throw off the ever-watching humans, but I could run for a short distance without harming it.

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