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Chapter 20

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It wasn't overly hard to find the group. Not when Nicky and Ben were jumping up and down in the middle of the road and waving their arms. Did they seriously think that my luck was so rotten that I would have left to check for a vehicle only for someone – in a lone truck – to finally drive by?

Actually, in the wisdom of not tempting fate, it might be wise if I left that question unasked.

I came to a stop and got out. "Here's your new ride. The tank is half full, and there's more in the jerrycans in the back."

I hadn't poured it all in the truck, using the excuse that if this vehicle also broke down, it'd be easier to transport the diesel in proper jerrycans. The fact that they just so happened to form a dividing wall across the middle of the truck box was mere coincidence.

"Awesome!" Nicky exclaimed, running over to the truck. "I don't have to walk anymore. Are there cans of beer in the back, by chance?"

I snorted at that idea. "No, but there are some trail bars and a mattress."

She somehow managed to jump up and scramble over the side of the truck in her eagerness to locate the snacks.

"They're in the green bag," I told her, shaking my head at her antics. "You can hand some out to the others."

"Same arrangement as last time?" Hank asked as he opened the driver's door.

"Sounds good to me," Tom said, making a beeline for the other door.

Ben groaned. "Do I really have to sit back there with those two? They glared at me almost all morning until we had to walk."

"Be happy we didn't throw you off the truck," Daniel retorted. "If you so much as touch another can of beans, we'll be having words."

Even with the wind whirling around the truck box as we drove, it hadn't spared Daniel or me. Then again, if Nicky could smell it, it was a given that any zombie could. His beans had mostly run out, so our air supply was more or less safe.

Chloe was all for another truck ride with humans and was easily enticed into the front by Tom. Like last time, I sat against the cab on the passenger side as the others reclaimed their spots. Even before Hank started the truck, Nina was glancing at me from her seat against the tailgate, as if preparing to start a conversation.

In an attempt to look more like someone who preferred to be left to their own thoughts, I pulled my hood over my head to shade my sunglasses and hunkered down to watch the scenery pass. Daniel must have found my evasive actions amusing since he started chuckling softly.

Crossing my arms, I sent him a half-glare. "And what are you finding so funny?"

"I'm trying to decide if it's the lack of shade, the thought of talking, or the crowded conditions that have you grumbling." Had his reply not been thoughtful and almost contemplative, I would have growled at him.

Instead, I grumbled, "The last two are the big winners. Don't crowds annoy you?"

If they were going to ask questions, then so was I.

"Not really. Just if people come within arms' reach. Otherwise, the noise bothers me more than having a group of people in the same room."

"Not my idea of fun. Probably also explains why I've never spent the night in a Stronghold yet."

"You're looking for your sister, right?" Nina asked. "What was her name again?"

I gave Nina a long look before replying, "Her name is Jess Kessler."

"Jess Kessler," she repeated to herself, pulling out her notebook and writing it down. "Ironwind Stronghold has a radio tower, and there are a few places we have radio contact with. If you feel like hanging around for a day or so, I can ask if she is at any of those places, or if they've heard of her."

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