قصة أصلية لـ واتباد
مازال هناك 12 فصول مجانيّة

Chapter 2

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Still crouched by the garbage bin, I watched the group and waited for my opportunity. It came sooner than I expected. Fists thudding on glass had them all turning to look at a zombie inside a nearby store.

While they were distracted and not looking this way, I darted across the back alley and ducked behind a house. The wind shifted, and I gritted my teeth as their scent made my throat burn. The humans' fragrance was sweet and enticing as it always was.

It was a deadly temptation though. The taste of human blood or flesh would drive any sane zombie to madness and strip them of their thoughts, control, and identity, reducing them to a mere animal. I refuse to go down that route. I'll stick with rabbits and deer, thank you very much.

I slipped around the house and tried the back door, which was locked. With a quick glance to the side to ensure no humans were in sight, I kicked the door open as quietly as I could and slipped inside.

Peeking out the window, I could see that vehicles and people were spread out across the entire highway, so there was no way for me to run across the surrounding fields undetected. I planned to wait in this house while they looted the stores. After that, they would move on, and so could I.

A hasty check of the house assured me it was empty of both the living and the undead. Thinking quickly, I pushed a couch over to block the broken back door so it remained shut. It wasn't likely that any sane human would dare enter a house, but there was no point in giving them an open invitation.

I retreated upstairs and stared out one of the front windows at the activity below, debating between two plans of action. I remained motionless as the raiders carried supplies from the stores to their vehicles. A faint growl escaped me when I noticed that other groups were beginning to converge on the houses as well.

Seriously? Why are they checking houses? They often have little of value, and it's insanely dangerous for a human to be going into buildings that could potentially hold zombies.

If nothing else, it ended my debate of my two main options. I lifted the windowpane up to open it, and the smell of the humans immediately wafted in, making me growl in annoyance as I waited.

When a group approached the front door of the house I was in, I raised my voice just enough for those below to hear me. "Who are you?"

The group jerked to a halt and swiftly began looking around for the owner of the voice. I wasn't standing close to the window, so it took a few seconds for someone to spot me.

A man called up, "Sorry, we didn't know you were in there. We're from Reddrick Stronghold. Do you need a lift?"

There was no way I could ride in an enclosed vehicle with humans without bloodshed. Not with the bloodlust that plagued me. Besides, the instant they found out I was a zombie, they'd probably change their minds and rescind their offer. Or try to kill me. Possibly both. I wasn't very optimistic today.

Instead of answering their question, I asked another one. "Have you ever met a woman named Jess Kessler?"

They muttered amongst themselves, unaware I could hear every word as all but one came to the conclusion that they hadn't.

"I met someone called Jessica once, but I don't know her last name," a woman called back.

"What did she look like?" I tried to keep my tone halfway polite, but I still sounded more grouchy than anything else.

"Tall, curly blonde hair."

I shook my head. "Not her then. Leave this house alone, but feel free to raid the rest."

With that, I slammed the window down and walked out of their sight. I tilted my head as I strained my ears to catch their quiet murmuring.


The Virus Within: The Road Ahead (Book 1 - SERIES COMPLETED!)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن