Chapter 5

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Experimenting with new experiences and challenges

As we have already established, changing your perspective will help you see life in a new light and appreciate the things that you have. It may also show you the things that are missing in your life and help you discover why you’re feeling lost. One of the quickest ways to change your perspective is to experiment with new experiences and challenges. New experiences allow you to see life from a different angle.

Likewise, challenges force you to think out-of-the-box and use creative means to find a solution. Both experiences and challenges will help you evaluate life through a new light and see the things that you are not able to notice in your old environment or life.

For example, traveling to a new location forces you to discover useful places in your new environment and also make friends who might come in handy. You have to understand the new cultural routines and, of course, currency, financial situations, transport logistics, and much more.

Another wonderful way of gaining new experiences and challenges is by volunteering. Volunteering allows you to appreciate the things that we currently have or have lost sight of because we’ve been too busy focusing on other things. It’s easy to appreciate the house that you have, the job that you have, the income that you have, the health that you have, once you see how people are suffering and cannot afford the bare necessities.

Charity work is also beneficial because giving back to the community or doing something helpful for another person is a way to heal yourself. In essence, giving someone something from the bottom of your heart, whether it’s clothes, food, listening to them, or helping them relocate, doing good work is good for your soul.

Another good thing about charity work is that you get to interact with people from all walks of life. In charity, you can’t judge someone based on their current situation; you might be talking to someone who used to be the CEO of a blue-chip company. Charity work shows you not to take for granted the situation that you are in at the moment and share with others what you can. It also reminds you that situations are not permanent and they will change with time.

Watching people move from bad situations into better situations can help you gather the courage to start the work that’s necessary for you to find yourself.

Other ways to experiment include getting a new job, traveling, taking a promotion, taking a much-needed break, vacationing, or anything that will basically change your day-to-day routine. I know it’s scary to shake things up when you’re not sure what tomorrow brings. However, change is exactly what you need to figure out who you are and what you want to do with your life.

In summary, you need to take stock of what’s working in your life and keep that going. After that, take stock of what isn’t working and try something different instead. Remember that some of the best things in life happen because someone decided to try something new. Be brave, be positive, and keep in mind that you need to do new stuff to change your current situation.

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