Chapter 2

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Self Doubt

Doubting yourself and your abilities is a very powerful emotion that makes people fearful. If you doubt what you are capable of, you never do what is necessary to live as your true self. Many people who lose themselves get caught up in a life that is comfortable and in the long run they lose themselves in that comfort.

 For example,  some women do get married to men who are not good enough for them. However, when a man is a good provider women fear that they won't be able to provide for their children if they leave. So the end up staying in marriage for a long time until the kids are able to support themselves.

History as shown us that women are capable of leaving bad marriages and starting all over again. There are many successful stories about women who reinvented themselves after losing themselves in their marriage.

The thing about doubting your abilities is that you will never get the courage to try something new.  Trying to do something about your current situation is the most important thing, not being successful.  We’re always hopeful about the possibilities of a better tomorrow but not the possibilities of a bad tomorrow.

Living with self doubt makes you think that you will likely fail at anything you attempt and therefore there is no point in trying to do things differently.

You have to stop doubting yourself and you can do that by starting to do little things to improve your life. It can be something as simple as establishing a self-care routine or something is complex is going back to school and getting a new certificate. The point is giving yourself shot at something and giving it your best in the hopes that you will succeed.

Do not feel bad if you want to start with small things like changing your wardrobe or starting an exercise regime. It’s OK to start small but remember to be consistent and build on the things that you’re doing.

No matter what you do, keep on moving and keep on trying new things. Promise yourself that failure won't make you give up. You an take a moment or two to pick yourself up after you fail, but after that you need to get right back at it.

There is a saying where I come from this can be loosely translated to “Take a shower and get out back out there.” The saying is usually used in reference to dating or business. It means once you find yourself in a murky situation, take a shower, make yourself look presentable, then go back out into the world and try to conquer it.

Best of luck.

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