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The Purpose of This Book

Thank you for opening the first page of this book. I think it's important to discuss your expectations of this book at the start to save time. Should you choose to read this book, you should at least have an idea on what’s in it.

First off, this isn’t a book about how to find happiness in your life. I can’t give you a road map to finding happiness.  However, I can give you a road map to being content with who you are and getting peace of mind.
One of the ugly aspects of being an adult is living with nasty feelings.

These feelings include guilt, hate, sadness, pain, and other negative feelings that arise from our previous experiences. The thing is, no one ever taught us how to deal with negative emotions.

I mean we know how to move on from negative emotions, but we don't know how to neutralise them. The result is that many adults walk around with bottled negative feelings from past events.

Finding who you are is imperative in resolving any lingering negative emotions that you may have. When you have fewer negative emotions to deal with, you will be more content with where you are in life. You may not be happy in terms of smiling all the time but, you won't be feeling bad about yourself.

There is some freedom that comes with not bringing yourself down. It is amazing not to talk down at yourself. It feels good to be able to lay on the bed after a long day and not think about your past mistakes or injustices done unto you.

In short I’ll help you discover who you are so you can understand what you need to do to be comfortable with yourself. I'll help make peace with who you are so you can stop hiding your true self.

Now that we understand each other, let's begin the work.

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