Chapter 14: Avoiding a Hurricane

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Today was the first day of class.

The entrance ceremony yesterday went rather smoothly... well apart from a certain black-pink duo's antics which almost led to a hurricane utterly destroying the school's garden.

'But today is a new day!! I'm sure it won't be as troublesome as yesterday' or so our pink haired lady thought as she resolutely made her way to class.

She was a bit anxious since she did not recognize the names of anyone on her class register.

Blake, Ray, and Karlyle were all in the same class but none of them were with her.

'That stupid power abusing Snake probably arranged to be in the same class as Ray, while conveniently forgetting about the one who put her life on the line yesterday so he could befriend her'

Alythia huffed and puffed at such thoughts as she stood at the door's threshold.

She glanced at the seating arrangement posted outside the class window before unhurriedly walking towards her seat – the one closest to the door.

She sat down and started rummaging through her bag when all of a sudden she felt something touch her right shoulder.

As she glanced up she saw a tall boy with ash-brown hair and light green eyes staring back at her.

"Hey, aren't you pretty?" the boy said with a grin, his hand still leisurely resting on her.

Before she had a chance to rebuttal, the boy sat down on the seat to her right and bravely ventured on with his flirting.

"I've never seen a gal with pink hair and eyes before, it's quite captivating" he hummed as he placed two of his fingers under Alythia's chin – tilting her head back so he could get a better look at her. "Do you want to join me for lunch after morning classes?"

Her eyes grew wide as fear completely enveloped her face.

Does this guy want to die that badly??? HUH!?!? Does he want to drag me along with him??? Thank goodness Kai isn't in my class...'

Alythia hurriedly yanked her head away from his hand and was about to refuse him when she heard an irritated voice from behind.

"Oi move. That's my seat" the voice said.

'Eh? This voice sounds familiar...'

She glanced back and saw the blond blue-eyed boy from yesterday.

His face was completely scrunched up as he wore a threatening glare.

He walked over to the boy sitting next to Alythia "I said MOVE" he scowled.

The ash-brown guy wanted to refuse but before he had the chance, the teacher walked in commanding everyone to go to their designated seats.

So he reluctantly stood up and walked over to his chair – situated at the opposite end of the classroom.

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