Chapter 23: Taming the Beast

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About 15 minutes after Diego had left Alythia was still stuck in her dome-like prison.

The red light that had surrounded her grew smaller and smaller as the minutes passed and by now the shadows were mere millimeters away from touching her.

She could also hear a commotion outside – it sounded like absolute chaos.

Alythia heard screams, howls of wind, and gigantic waves splashing against the buildings.

"No... Kai...." she whined while sinking to her knees.

But as she was about to cry a thought entered her mind – 'he comes when he is called...'

So the girl instantly shot up and yelled at the top of her lungs. "IZANA!!" however her voice choked as tears gushed out "...please....please save us..." she whimpered over and over again.

A few moments later the red light surrounding her began to pulsate.

It continued to grow with every pulse until it spread throughout the room and as soon as the pulsating light touched the shadows they instantly evaporated.

Alythia heard a familiar voice hum a song as the light returned to its original petite size and flew down to her. She held out her hands and the little light – which was now about the size of a golf ball – came to rest on top of her palm.

"You called child?" Izana's voice spread through the dark room.

Alythia smiled "what took you so long?"

"I am not at fault dear girl, it is you who took so long to call for me. But let us leave that there. The current situation is grave – we must make haste"

Alythia nodded.

The light flew up and spun around her several times and she instantly disappeared.


Meanwhile, Diego appeared on the roof of the main building as Karlyle and Blake were busy unloading the last of the bags from the car.

When Karlyle caught sight of the figure Diego seemed to be holding in his arms, the Dragon's self-restraint completely snapped.

Scales instantly spread throughout his skin as his body grew at an incredible speed.

Blake merely blinked three or four times before his friend had become utterly unrecognizable.

The prince stepped in front of Ray, who had been standing a few feet away, in an attempt to shield her.

Karlyle let out a terrifying growl as wings shot out of his overgrown back and his mouth morphed into something completely inhuman.

"Ray stand back" Blake cautioned "I'm going to try and pacify him for a time. Get to higher ground since I'll have to use water to keep him from flying..." he hesitated before adding "I trust you to get me back to normal afterwards"

A DRAGON'S JEWEL: the Ancient Mage and the dark artsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon