Chapter 10: Birthday Bash

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It's been about a year since Alythia moved in with Karlyle and Kloeye.

As the reader might then assume, that means our girl's birthday is close at hand.

Well, to be precise it already occurred – yesterday.

Ah but fret not dear reader I shall no longer leave you in the dark, since there is another important matter you would do well to take note of.

Tomorrow a certain Dragon boy turns 16 as well.

In other words a party must be held for two.

You see, my curious readers – who may or may not dislike math – Alythia was born on the 11th of December, while Karlyle was born on the 13th of the same month. This year the 11th falls on a Friday, while the 13th falls on a Sunday.

In other words the best time for a party would be the day in between – the Saturday of the 12th.

Which – because of plot convenience – happens to be today.

For this very reason we presently find Alyhtia running about helping Kloeye prepare for the party.

Karlyle, however, was nowhere to be found. Apparently he went down to the market because there was something he needed to pick up – though he would not specify what.

But knowing him, it is most definitely something of utmost importance.

Now as Alythia was busily helping the servants hang the last of the decorations inside, she heard a car pull up the driveway.

"Karlyle's back" she chirped as she jumped down the chair and rushed towards the front door.

As Karlyle opened the door she hurriedly smacked her hands over his eyes. "Not yet!! We're almost done. For now I'll guide you to your room so you can get dressed for the party, but DON'T LOOK okay?"

It was hard to take her warning seriously since her tone was so very far from threatening.

Nevertheless Karlyle, who was completely caught off guard, obediently nodded his head and allowed her to lead him up the stairs while his eyes remained firmly shut.

After Alythia opened his bedroom door he quickly caught hold of her wrist before she had the chance to leave.

"Wait" he urged, pulling her towards him and wrapping his arms around her waist – securely holding her in place.

He leaned over and whispered "Now you close your eyes for a bit"

She obeyed without protest.

Karlyle rummaged in his pocket and pulled out a delicately crafted silver necklace with a tiny black diamond at its center.

She waited a few moments and opened her eyes after hearing a clicking sound – indicating that Karlyle had succeeded in fastening the chain around her neck.

He stepped back to examine her.

"It's black because... well you liked my eyes... so....what do you think?" the boy said, slightly embarrassed.

Alythia slowly brought her hand up to touch the diamond that was currently resting on her collarbone.

A DRAGON'S JEWEL: the Ancient Mage and the dark artsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang