16. Can I Kill a God, Please?

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When I woke up in the morning, everything was back to normal.

Ace was gone and I assume that he is currently roaming around the estate. It also seems that there are none of the male leads nearby...

This is my chance!

I finally have the time to use the "power of the mind" given to me by the god of this world, Gadia!

But...How the heck do I use it?! Does this power come with an instruction manual or something?


"Hey! If any of you stupid gods are watching, can you please help?" I muttered.

Whoops. I didn't mean to say that out loud.

Besides, even if I say anything, it's not like they would come down to human wor-

"Hey, ugly! It's been a while, hasn't it?" a voice said from the corner of my room.

"Clara! You're finally awake!" someone else said in a smooth voice.

...I don't even need to look up to know exactly who was here.

"What are you two stupid gods doing here?" I asked with a smirk.

I turned my face to see Shai and Gadia, the worst gods ever, radiantly stand by my bedroom door.

I really need to get used to them...their handsome faces purify the evil in the world...and that includes me.

"Are you stupid, ugly? We're here since you can't even figure out how to use the present we gave you!" Gadia said with obvious annoyance.

"Humph. If you're here to help me, hurry up! I don't have all day since I already wasted a month," I said with a sigh.

If I didn't go into a coma, I could've done other things!

"It's alright, Clara. We are here to help. What's your first question?" Shai asked gently.

"How do you even activate this power in the first place?" I asked.

"Obviously, since this is an 'otome game' world, you just imagine words like status, storage, library and room in your head," Shai said with a groan as if everything was obvious.

"What? That's it?" I said with surprise.

"Yes, the system was created to be simple and easy to use," Shai said with a nod.

"But what does each of them do?" I asked again.

"Wow. You really are stupid. Status tells you your status, obviously! Storage is a large pocket of space that you can throw stuff into and keep there," Gadia sighed.

"Is time frozen in the storage? For example, does food still rot in there after some time or will food permanently stay warm and fresh?" I asked another question as Gadia groaned.

"Time is not frozen in the space. However, time is slower in your storage than in real life. A bowl of soup will stay warm for a week in your storage. A plant that normally lives for two years will live over a decade or two in there," Shai responded.

"Oh, that's good! Also, what do the library and room do?" I asked.

"Ughh. The library is a library. The room is a room," Gadia said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"What Gadia means to say is that the library is a cognitive space that contains every single book ever written. The books come from every single world, including Earth and this world," Shai said with a sigh.

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