44. The Teddy Bear

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"Hello, new students. I am Mr. Bloodsworth. I hope we'll all have a lovely year together," a man said as he walked through the classroom door covered in blood.

Scared shrieks could be heard from a few female students in the class.

Everyone in the room was just about ready to stand up from their seats and just leave.

Only two people in the entire room had the guts to ask the teacher questions.

And, yes, they were the twins, Lin and Min.

One of the twins raised his hand, prompting Mr. Bloodsworth to look at him and nod for the twin to continue.

"Why is there blood on your clothes?" the twin asked without thinking twice about what he was asking.

Mr. Bloodsworth looked confused for a moment before he looked down at his outfit in shock.

"Oh, dear...I'm sorry...It looks like I did it again..." Mr. Bloodsworth sighed as he began licking and smearing the blood off of his face.

Everyone began to mutter and a few wimpy kids began to cry in fear.

Both Florence and I were completely fine though.

We've dealt with a...questionable...teacher in the past.

Obviously, none of the other kids here were as experienced as we were.

"What does blood taste like?" the other twin asked as he watched Mr. Bloodsworth lick the blood off of his hands.

"Blood? Why would I know what blood tastes like?" replied Mr. Bloodsworth as he continued to consume the blood on his face in front of everyone.

"He's crazy, Lin," Min said bluntly.

"I agree, Min," Lin nodded.

Were these twins crazy?!

They were literally bad-mouthing a possible serial killer right in front of his face.

I was ready to bet ten copper coins that their heads were going to be chopped off by Mr. Bloodsworth.

"...I'm crazy...? No...that can't be...I'm not crazy, right? Right...?! Right?! RIGHT?!RIGHT?! RIIIIIIIGHHHHTTT?!?!?!?!" Mr. Bloodsworth began to scream at all of us as if we were going to answer him.

At this moment, the entire class full of proud aristocratic kids had the same thought: "Mommy...please...save me..."

"Oh...dear. It looks like I've scared you all...I'm sorry," Mr. Bloodsworth suddenly spoke professionally and softly within a split second after screaming at us.

I turned to Florence to give him a sideways glance that translated to: "Here we go again."

"DID ANYONE HEAR ME?! I SAID I WAS SORRY!" Mr. Bloodsworth started screaming again.

"W-We...We f-forgive y-you...Mr. B-Blood...B-Bloodsworth..." murmured the entire class.

"I'm so happy you all forgive me! Well then, let's start our first day of class together, okay?" Mr. Bloodsworth said merrily as he switched to being happy and carefree again.

I shuddered as I watched Mr. Bloodsworth giggle in joy.

I mean...it's fine for someone to smile and be happy, of course, but...when you're a grown man drenched in blood and you're giggling like a toddler who just got the best birthday present ever...

...It's different.

"Do any of you have any other questions to ask before I begin?" Mr. Bloodsworth asked everyone.

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