
Dancing With The Shadows will be free on Amazon May 8-10. 
          	Reminder if I gave you a promo code to please leave that review - it's the agreed-upon exchange for those codes. I can't give away copies if I'm not making sales, and reviews help immensely to attract new listeners and readers. 
          	Thanks guys <3


Hey, I'd love to read Dancing with the shadows. Any chance the codes are still available? (I live in India, so I'm not sure they would be, so if they aren't, that's alright). 
          If I do get a code, I assure you I'll leave a review as soon as I'm done reading the book <3


@z_dean @Jane__bennn can I also get a code pls. I'm from Romania


I just posted a review on amazon. 
          I hope what I wrote was alright. There was just no way I wasn't going to finish reading it!!! To be honest, I was hooked after the 3rd chapter. What an original idea, not to mention having much of it happen in NYC, which is not exactly a usual setting for  werewolf stories. Caia was an amazing character and I love she stayed true to herself. That was something I was worried about, but you kept her strong. You let her bend but not break and I appreciated that! Actually, any chance for sequel? There is more then enough to fill another book. Even spin offs!! It is NYC afterall. 
          Should you read the review, and would like anything changed please just let me know?
          It is the first time I have started a book here on wattpad and thought enough of it to but if.....Thank you for a great read!    ~boo
          Oh and........more please????


            You are more then welcome. It was just a good story and a good read!!
            I look forward to more of the same from you.   ~b


@Boodawgus omg you're the sweetest and most amazing. The review was great! Currently, no sequel plans but you never know. Thank you again this made my day :D


Hey could I please have the promo code? xx


          Dancing With The Shadows is now available as an audiobook! 
          There are a limited number of promo codes for the US and UK audible stores  so you can get it for FREE* - please just message me and I'll give you one. 
          So excited to hear what you guys think of it, wouldn't have been possible without your support ❤️❤️❤️ 
          Peace love and werewolves, 
          *In exchange for a review 


@Novellava I only have codes for the UK and US store, but anyone can create an account or link their account to another Amazon/Audible store. You can have an account for .co.uk and .com or .au or whatever the case may be.


@z_dean  is this promo code only for uk and us people??