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hi jess!! just thought i'd drop by since crossword's now complete. thank you so much for all your support on it - your votes and comments mean the world, and i'm honoured you enjoyed their story! i'm also glad you picked up on tft they weren't doing well, i wasn't sure if that came across and your confirmation means a lot. thank you again for your continued support!! i hope you had a good christmas and that the rest of the year treats you well. x


@qixing imogene! crossword was literally so beautiful; your talent is immaculate! jun and yen are my sweethearts, and i really can't wait to read more from you. of course, do expect more of my support. thank you so much for yours.


also!! absolutely thrilled you liked it enough to add it to your first reading list. thank you thank you thank you! <3


So, guys. BIG move. The entire first, published draft of Prints and Pieces has *permanently* been taken down. The chapters have been left there for a while on my part, for the sake of readers who were still concluding the first draft. Sadly though, I've decided it's time to let those parts go, to make way for the rewritten version which is steadily being updated. Yes, this has resulted in a huge plunge in votes, but hey, it's a new era and I hope you're here for it. 
          Ps: The old drafts will be republished, but as *new* chapters. Hence, the votes will gradually return in a combination of old and new. 
          Thank you, and take good care.
           x. Jess.


Darn! So, it's been a minute since I made an announcement here guys. Anyway, this is to inform you, that Prints and Pieces is COMPLETE. No, this is not a hoax. No, I'm not kidding. It has been concluded. I'm not entirely sure how I'm feeling right now, because I'm so doggone tired. But, I know it's bittersweet. Thank you to everyone who's supported me so far, and to all my readers. Old, and new. Those here now, and those yet to come. Thank you so much. Please make sure to read the POSTFACE, and perhaps, even the brand new preface, which is part of my thorough refurbishment. Trust me, there's important information you'll want to know. 
          Once again, thanks guys. It's been a long, wild ride. One I wouldn't trade. And for now, I'll be in my bat cave, trudging through one hell of a busy month. Yes, I am trying to prep my little hamster for the Wattys! Fingers crossed for me, lmao.
          Be safe, and see you all soon. x.


Sorry for the false update of chapter 33 guys, that was an error on my part. Chapter 32 though, is very much available for you to read, and I assure you that 33 will definitely be uploaded soon. Xx.❤


I have no idea how on earth did you find me but YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for reading and voting Entwined ♡ I hope you’ll have amazing day cos you just made mine!!  It’s my baby and I really appreciate your support cos I know how it feels like to have none ♡     P.s. The second book Enamoured and spinoff Engulfed, Enthralled, Enchanted are available on Wattpad! ♡ 


@agatharoza oh my, this is so so sweet of you.❤ 
            And WHAT?!! I better up my speed game, stat!


P.p.s. I suggest you read it ASAP while it’s free ❤️ 