
          	Great story! Couldn't get enough of it!! If your looking for a good M/M book, look no farther. Awesome writing style and amazing plot. I definitely RECOMMEND!!!


          I just finished the ‘beneath’ series by Meghan March, OMG, OMG, OMG, I cried –am crying, because the best book series of all time is over... For me, BUT you–my really cool followers can still read these amazing books!!! And you have to read them in order:
          1 Beneath This Mask
          2 Beneath This Ink
          3 Beneath These Chains
          4 Beneath These Scars
          5 Beneath These Lies
          6 Beneath These Shadows
          7 Beneath The Truth
          If you don't read the in order, I WILL (maybe, probably) hunt you down and kill you!!!
          Now get reading!!! And no excuses! You can either read or listen.


Diese Nachricht könnte beleidigend sein
Ugh... Who knew trying to write could be so Fucking hard... I have spent two weeks working on CHAPTER 1 of my book, and it's STILL not where I want it... Even after all the amazing help I've gotten from @honeyduff (thank you again for talking with me, it really did help) I still don't feel I get get my book to where it SHOULD be... I think I'm doomed in all things writing *face palm* #fml


@lil_wolf23  Lol ! Some serious stuff right ;) but don't rush it ... Take your time!
            Refresh your mind and don't cloud yourself with the pressure to write >
            You'll see,, eventually slowly but surely it'll start hitting you like a ton of bricks and then you won't be able to stop :D
            In a good sense that is hahah not literally I hope !


            Thanks! You have been a huge help!!! ❤❤❤


@RiaWulf IKR...
            It's like 'just come out of my head already' 
            Sometimes I feel like pulling all my hair out...