
Hi everyone,
          	I haven't been on here in a while, but I'm coming on today to warn those of you who aren't aware of the scammers & hackers going around on Discord. It's been going on for quite some time now, but today, my account got hacked (I still have access to it, and nothing has changed, but I'm still wary). 
          	So, for those of you looking for my new discord if I hadn't passed it along to you already, it's StormiClaw04. 
          	I've always been strict with myself on the internet, but these hackers stop at nothing. Please don't ever give anyone your personal information or anything of the like. Hackers are sending messages that run along the lines of saying they reported you by accident - this is FALSE. Also, please don't add the user petersupport047. They're a fake bot!
          	That's all folks, and please, stay safe out there. The world's a scary place nowadays.


Hi everyone,
          I haven't been on here in a while, but I'm coming on today to warn those of you who aren't aware of the scammers & hackers going around on Discord. It's been going on for quite some time now, but today, my account got hacked (I still have access to it, and nothing has changed, but I'm still wary). 
          So, for those of you looking for my new discord if I hadn't passed it along to you already, it's StormiClaw04. 
          I've always been strict with myself on the internet, but these hackers stop at nothing. Please don't ever give anyone your personal information or anything of the like. Hackers are sending messages that run along the lines of saying they reported you by accident - this is FALSE. Also, please don't add the user petersupport047. They're a fake bot!
          That's all folks, and please, stay safe out there. The world's a scary place nowadays.


//hey babes ,, was your discord hacked ??????? 


@c0sm1c_shad0ws but I’m confused as it say unknown-user 


Hi! Interested in doing a rp?


Im also not active on here, my discord name is posted on my account! We could discuss what we would like to do.


            What were you looking to rp? Also, I'm no longer active here. I'm only active on discord


Hello everyone,
          I deleted this app about a week, week and a half ago, give or take. I'm not active here anymore, nor do I plan to be. I saw that wattpad will be removing the PMs feature, so, although I'm on hiatus from roleplay at the moment, if you'd like to move there, add me on Discord at StormyClaw23.
          This is my final announcement and I hope you all are well.


            You can still contact me on Pinterest! <3


Hi everyone!
          I hope you're all doing well.
          I know I haven't been on here in a little bit. I'm much less active on here than I used to be. I'm very active on discord, so if anyone has discord and would like to rp, send me a friend request and we can absolutely rp there. 
          I'm not planning to be overly active here, outside of just posting my ocs. That being said, I am going to be redoing my individual roleplay sometime in the near future. Some of my popular characters will make a reappearance with updated forms (some of these characters are from like 2019 with crappy forms thrown together and are need of a revamp) and I will be making some new characters too!
          I apologize if this inconveniences any of my roleplay friends here. Wattpad is just a hard platform to rp on considering the lack of notifications. 
          That's all and I hope you all have a great morning/day/evening/night wherever you are!


So I'm messing around on discord, thinking about making one big rp server. For rps I already have going and rps that may come in the future. Some of my discord friends, what do you guys think?
          Not only would we be able to rp, but everyone would be able to interact with each other and meet new people to rp with! :)
          This is very theoretical and I'd have to mess around with it quite a bit, but I kinda like the idea


            * / I would like to join back please


@--darylsgurl-- ,
            I did! If you'd like to join, go ahead and send me your discord!


Hi everyone,
          Happy to say that while I'm still a bit mentally fatigued, I'm starting to feel better and back up to a bit of rp this weekend. It might be a bit before I get to replying due to school and my favorite boba shop reopening today! My family and I are going after my dad gets out of work, so I'm very excited about that. 
          Aside from that, I've decided that I'm going to change my theme. I adore v for vendetta, but I think its time for something new. I'm going with an A7X (avenged sevenfold, one of my favorite bands) theme and I have a bunch of different username ideas. I could use your guys help. Shadows will definitely be in there somewhere cause M. Shadows is just awesome. Here are some of the ideas I have below:
          • cosmic_shadows (based on the song "cosmic")
          • gunslinger_shadows (based on the song "gunslinger")
          • hail_to_shadows (based on the song "hail to the king")
          • undead_shadows (based on the song "a little piece of heaven" )
          I really like these all and I'm having a tough choice deciding which one I like the best. I really could use some help, if you'd all be so kind!
          That's all for now, and replies should be coming sometime this weekend. As per usual, I hope you all have a great morning/day/evening/night wherever you are!


            I like cosmic_shadows. Also I'm glad your feeling better 


            I hope that you're doing well! I like cosmic_shadows! <3


Hey guys, I'm not feeling up to rping today. I'm not really in a good headspace


Take time to yourself we all need to at time 


take time for yourself <3