
Hey everyone! I was reading a book where Ginny gave Harry an incomplete bonding potion and as a result Harry felt really hot so went on a walk in the Forbidden Forest where he met Voldemort possessing a snake. Voldemort offered to bond with him to save his life and the end up becoming soul mates. The story starts at the beginning of Harry’s second year. If anyone knows what that story is called, please let me know. I was really enjoying it but Wattpad glitched and didn’t put it in my library. 


@NyxHON thank you so much!! I have been looking for this book for a month!! You have no idea how happy you just made me!!


I’m pretty sure it’s called Bound To You, not sure of the author


Hey everyone! I was reading a book where Ginny gave Harry an incomplete bonding potion and as a result Harry felt really hot so went on a walk in the Forbidden Forest where he met Voldemort possessing a snake. Voldemort offered to bond with him to save his life and the end up becoming soul mates. The story starts at the beginning of Harry’s second year. If anyone knows what that story is called, please let me know. I was really enjoying it but Wattpad glitched and didn’t put it in my library. 


@NyxHON thank you so much!! I have been looking for this book for a month!! You have no idea how happy you just made me!!


I’m pretty sure it’s called Bound To You, not sure of the author


Heyyy, I was just wondering if you would be interested in reading my book, “Twilight: The Bloods Pleasure.” If you have a chance to read it I would love to hear your thoughts! Thank you!


@jellyroll101 I would love to read you story. Thanks for telling me about it. 


Thanks for voting on my stories! The only people who vote on my stories are my friends and another person. I feels nice to have someone vote on my stories. Bye.


@IAmMyWorstNightmare , I would want people to read my stories and your stories are really good. Keep writing and doing what you love. Bye