
(MGWE Update) 
          	FIRST OFF! 
          	I just wanna let you guys know, I’m going to try my best to update Wednesday/ Thursday- if not- Saturday Sunday.... 
          	I’m really sorry.... 
          	(If I don’t update this week, next week 100% since summer vacation will have begun) 
          	|Explanation below|
          	(Feel free to ignore ^^;;)
          	It’s the last week of school and because of distance learning I’m super behind because I’m a huge procrastinator. I have 4 art projects due by this Friday, as well as 12+ projects for fashion.... 
          	I usually write the chapters on Tuesday and start the editing process on Thursday- so I can look at the chapter with a clean slate... 
          	Friday- for me- is usually the day where I sit down and finalize all my edits, pick music- and find a picture to go with the chapter... 
          	then Saturday (morning/ afternoon) I usually look over the work one final time and make any last minute adjustments... 
          	I’m not kidding when I say this.... yesterday, I spent, 24 hours making a presentation (hand drawn) for one of my classes..... 
          	The days before that I had another presentation I had to make and record- the process started on Tuesday and I finished Thursday.... 
          	Long story short- 
          	Each chapter takes about a week to finish... 
          	The next chapter that will be posted will have a second part to it, which should be posted together... and I haven’t started on the second part..... 
          	I’m going to try my hardest to get this done by Tuesday, but I’m not sure if I will, since I have so much missing work.... ;-;


@XxBlack_ThornxX  it's nothing, now rEsT!!!! Put down your gadget this instant.


@NyxMignionette ;-; thank you so much for understanding and being so kind. You’re seriously awesome ❤️


(MGWE Update) 
          FIRST OFF! 
          I just wanna let you guys know, I’m going to try my best to update Wednesday/ Thursday- if not- Saturday Sunday.... 
          I’m really sorry.... 
          (If I don’t update this week, next week 100% since summer vacation will have begun) 
          |Explanation below|
          (Feel free to ignore ^^;;)
          It’s the last week of school and because of distance learning I’m super behind because I’m a huge procrastinator. I have 4 art projects due by this Friday, as well as 12+ projects for fashion.... 
          I usually write the chapters on Tuesday and start the editing process on Thursday- so I can look at the chapter with a clean slate... 
          Friday- for me- is usually the day where I sit down and finalize all my edits, pick music- and find a picture to go with the chapter... 
          then Saturday (morning/ afternoon) I usually look over the work one final time and make any last minute adjustments... 
          I’m not kidding when I say this.... yesterday, I spent, 24 hours making a presentation (hand drawn) for one of my classes..... 
          The days before that I had another presentation I had to make and record- the process started on Tuesday and I finished Thursday.... 
          Long story short- 
          Each chapter takes about a week to finish... 
          The next chapter that will be posted will have a second part to it, which should be posted together... and I haven’t started on the second part..... 
          I’m going to try my hardest to get this done by Tuesday, but I’m not sure if I will, since I have so much missing work.... ;-;


@XxBlack_ThornxX  it's nothing, now rEsT!!!! Put down your gadget this instant.


@NyxMignionette ;-; thank you so much for understanding and being so kind. You’re seriously awesome ❤️


          May all your birthday wishes and dreams come true.... ❤️
          (Sorry for two announcements) 
          If any of you have having errors with Mystic Messenger, CHERITZ just announced on their twitter/tumblr that they are experiencing issues... 
          Funny because it’s an HTTP error.... error 1.1.... it’s June 11th.... the twins b day... 11.... ♊️ ya know..... >_>


WHOAH! Whoah Whoah Whoah, when did MGWE become number 1 for Mystic Messenger???? 
          Thank you all so much!!!! I... I seriously cannot believe it and really truly do appreciate it.
          Even though I’ve been gone for such a long time it somehow got to number 1..... 
          Thank you all so so so much.....
          (I plan on updating this Saturday.... schools about to end and I got finals projects I gotta get done so it’s putting me at a bit of a delay, I’m sorry ;-;) 
          But really! 
          THANK YOU 
          THANK YOU 
          TAHNK YOU!!!!! 
          It really means a lot❤️❤️


Happy Pride Month!!! ️‍✨
          This is my first pride month out of the pantry and accepting the fact that I’m about as straight as a circle. I hoped to attend the pride parade, however, with everything going on I doubt it is a realistic wish. 
          There’s always next year!!!! 
          To all of you who either openly support LGBTQ+ 
          Or who are members ....
          Please be safe this pride month, especially those of you who have and are an active member of the LGBTQ+ community. 
          With Mission Pride Fall possible underway make sure you stay safe!!!! 
          The LGBTQ+ community will not fall. We have made it this way and fought for our rights, we will not be stopped. 
          If you are unaware of what Mission Pride Fall is I encourage you to do further research to ensure your safety. 


@Jjeve12 TY!!!! YOU TOO❤️❤️


Yaaaaas bb! I’m glad you’re out there discovering yourself! Stay safe~ 


(The white space is a pride flag... it’s just the emoji wont work for some reason >_>)