
yall tell me why i saw black hair guitar guy the other day and he do be kindaaaaa


@-kodzukenn i ammmm. but i'm js saying, he is kindaaaaa


yall tell me why i saw black hair guitar guy the other day and he do be kindaaaaa


@-kodzukenn i ammmm. but i'm js saying, he is kindaaaaa


ok so i'm over black hair guy. he's chill tho. anyway i'm js vibing. and my bday was this month so yayyy. i got a new laptop so i'm rlly happy. anyway i've been doing this project that's like 8 grades total. btw i wanna send a huge thank you to @-kodzukenn for helping me. i've been working on it all weekend butttt i did come up w some new ideas for writing. and again, ofc bestie helped. anyway ima touch up some drafts and write some stuff. then ima write in my notes app abt details for the slow burn book that i'm doing. and js a lil thing to tease yall some more, it's an enemies to loverssss. also i would appriceate if yall could reply and tell me how many words would be good for 1 chapter. ily raindrops <33


questo messaggio potrebbe essere offensivo
wsg broskies. quick update on my life; i have a crush now and i'm delusional. his hair is black, he has brown eyes, he's tall, he plays guitar rlly well, and he's rlly funny and sweet. AND HIS STYLE IS FIRE  anyway it's 3 am, i haven't done shit for yall, and now i have writing zoomies. yippee! ily raindrops! MWUAH


writing zoomies gone, tiredness kicked in, i fixed some stuff tho. now i get to dream abt Mr. Dreamy. yippee!


          Can we please be friends now-


@StormEye_111 omg yes. i haven't opened wattpad in forever. i rlly gotta turn on push notifs  i'm a few months late but yes


so uh, i have produced no work whatsoever for u guys bc there are scenes and parts of my books that i wanna write but first i have to write the beginnings of them and somewhat of a base or whatever you wanna call it. and writing that stuff is pretty boring bc i don't have to think abt it too much and i can't be very creative w it bc i wanna write the books in a way that they follow along w the actual storylines of the series/anime. so i'm tryna power through that for yall. so imma study for my science test tmr and then imma get on it. ily raindrops <33


raindrops, i have made 2 new discoveries today. 1: soundcloud. i've always heard abt it and i always knew it was for music but i never knew how absolutely fire it is. the songs i've found on there are other worldly. 2: i was making a playlist for the song sweater weather and i came across after dark x sweater weather by mikeeysmind and to tell you it blew my mind and it was god like would be one hell of an understatement


hey guys. ik most of u prob thought i like, died or sum but i didn’t so uh… hi. ngl i completely forgot that i’m an author. although at this point i might as well be an ex author. anyway imma js get to the point, i’m gunna try to get back into writing and get rid of my unofficial ex author title. theres a book i’m gunna try and write, its a fanfic ofc bc even though i haven’t rlly been on whattpad lately i’m still weird. its a slow burn which i recently realized i like. its of an anime character but i’m not gunna tell u which one rn so ur js gunna have to read it. the beginning of the book is gunna be boring asf but only bc i need to give yall an actual base and idea of what the hell is going on. later on in the book its gunna get less sucky. anyway i’m gunna get to it rn. love u <33


hey babesssssssssssssssssssssss. ik this is like, late and all, but uhhhhhhhhh. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! (my birthday was on the 10th) i have no fricken idea how i/me/myselfffff was late to wish me happy birthday but whatever. (i litterally just posted this on my other account [please go follow it] @SaraKunatsteButSpicy )

