
Happy Ramadan! I know it's literally been like 12 days or something but I literally just realised I didn't say anything on here. 
          	Lol bad memory.
          	For everyone celebrating Ramadan out there, Ramadan Mubarak and inshallah you have a blessed month.
          	For everyone else, I hope you're good and hopefully, you haven't gone insane because of quarantine.
          	Feel free to PM me or just talk on here if you're bored and wanna chat.
          	Goodbye and don't forget to smile :)


@SenaOSunny that was always the plan so inshallah inshallah 


@Fardusss I miss you too :( After the lockdown, we should all meet with the mosque gang and go Nando's or something together.


Happy Ramadan! I know it's literally been like 12 days or something but I literally just realised I didn't say anything on here. 
          Lol bad memory.
          For everyone celebrating Ramadan out there, Ramadan Mubarak and inshallah you have a blessed month.
          For everyone else, I hope you're good and hopefully, you haven't gone insane because of quarantine.
          Feel free to PM me or just talk on here if you're bored and wanna chat.
          Goodbye and don't forget to smile :)


@SenaOSunny that was always the plan so inshallah inshallah 


@Fardusss I miss you too :( After the lockdown, we should all meet with the mosque gang and go Nando's or something together.


          I have published the blurb and the prologue of my new book The Frames Don't Lie and I really hope you enjoy it.!
          I plan on uploading a new chapter every Sunday so this Sunday the first official chapter will be out. :)
          If you want more notices on my book or want to follow my writing social media, my Instagram is writing_by_so
          Thank you so much for reading this and don't forget to smile :)


@SenaOSunny I'm acc excited to read it sounds interesting 


Hi guys! It has been over a year since I've posted anything new on here. Through that time, I came up with so many new book ideas and even started writing parts of them but I decided to actually write and complete another book. 
          For me, A Lost Princess was and still is a mess. I wrote it when I was thirteen and I didn't plan any of it. I thought of an easy idea and started writing with absolutely no experience. I didn't even know the ending of my story. 
          For the past few weeks, I've been plotting my new idea, and I hope to publish it sometime soon. 
          I will post my new novel's name and a summary when I prepare them and I really hope you enjoy it!
          I am honestly so excited to write again and I'm glad that I finally have an idea that I can write without it being too messy.