
Diese Nachricht könnte beleidigend sein
If you’re following me for my ATWW fic, this is for you:
          	I hate making you guys wait and I was hoping I’d be able to post more frequently when the summer hit but hAAHAHAHA I may or may not have signed up for two summer courses in order to manage an animation class on top of marching band, theatre and piano soooooo with trying to simultaneously learn ASL and comprehend whatever the fuck synthetic division is,,, writing the gay wizard boys has been hard to keep up with. 
          	But I AM in the process of writing the next chapter and I wanted you guys to know I’m still alive. If only slightly. 
          	Also, I ship Klance now. 


Diese Nachricht könnte beleidigend sein
If you’re following me for my ATWW fic, this is for you:
          I hate making you guys wait and I was hoping I’d be able to post more frequently when the summer hit but hAAHAHAHA I may or may not have signed up for two summer courses in order to manage an animation class on top of marching band, theatre and piano soooooo with trying to simultaneously learn ASL and comprehend whatever the fuck synthetic division is,,, writing the gay wizard boys has been hard to keep up with. 
          But I AM in the process of writing the next chapter and I wanted you guys to know I’m still alive. If only slightly. 
          Also, I ship Klance now. 


I like to reread my stories sometimes, and every single time without fail, I will find a typo or something I think can be worded better, and I just have to change it. 
          So if you see a chapter in the middle of the book that was completed months ago that says “published 3 hours ago...” this is why. 


They told me you can only announce three things a day so make sure it’s important. I definitely did that, so here’s my important thing: