
For anyone that's requested or waiting on me to update a story I'm just now starting to write again highschool start just a few weeks ago and I'm finally figured everything out for this year's semester! So I should start updating again this week. If you have any suggestions please don't hesitate to tell me! Have a wonderful day or night.


For anyone that's requested or waiting on me to update a story I'm just now starting to write again highschool start just a few weeks ago and I'm finally figured everything out for this year's semester! So I should start updating again this week. If you have any suggestions please don't hesitate to tell me! Have a wonderful day or night.


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So I may have just noticed this but I can't fucking spell mentally right without auto correct and so my user instead of mentally says memtally.... Why...XD


@ImNotMemtallyStable Everytime i read mentally i think its memtally...


So I got my test back for covid and I have it,... So yeah that's fun.. Okay bye I'll probably be more active now lol


@AlexWriterIsDead Awww lucky u get spring break already.... Ahah yea thats gonna suck good lucky for when u get back


            Not really for now, I’m on fall break lmfao but when I get back oh lord


@Ventis-Boyfriend I guess thats true XD I'm sorry you have to deal with that(if you do)