
Okay guys, thank you to all my followers and readers. Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I know my work is not the best and there are gaps in between updates, but it means so much to me that so many people enjoy my fanfics. Its been a long time since my last update, but I promise I am working on that, i just have mountains of college work to also work on. Also my laptop has parted ways with me so I have to rely on my phone to update. So anyway hopefully within the month I will have an update for my readers.  Thanks again guys✌❤


Hey are you okay?? I mean you've not been active in like 4 years now......…… Are you alright... I had just started reading your fanfics in March 2021 and I really like them. I just want to make sure that you are still writing, that you have not quit writing. Even updating just a single line will do but do something which makes us sure that you are not wondering to quit writing foreverrrrr


Okay guys, thank you to all my followers and readers. Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I know my work is not the best and there are gaps in between updates, but it means so much to me that so many people enjoy my fanfics. Its been a long time since my last update, but I promise I am working on that, i just have mountains of college work to also work on. Also my laptop has parted ways with me so I have to rely on my phone to update. So anyway hopefully within the month I will have an update for my readers.  Thanks again guys✌❤


You like OUAT too?!


@Caitlyn-rose_Riddle its amazing isn't it?? I like to let a few eps build up and then binge it.


@Caitlyn-rose_Riddle yes I love OUAT!! I haven't caught up on the latest episodes yet but it is definitely one of my absolute favourites!!


Thank you for following me and being my first OUAT fan follower.. My other followers are all mostly Raura but I don't think any of them watch OUAT and from how it looks like you've got the background so you do watch it.. So yay!!


@Dramoine1998 thank you!! And glad to have come across a OUAT fan like you :) I'll be posting some Captain Swan books real soon it's just I'm working on Raura now.. 


@CaptainFanfic your welcome, I love ouat!! That and Harry Potter are my obsessions! I look forward to reading your work! 