
Sorry for not updating lately. Been very busy, but plan on getting a chapter up soon. x


Location: Liam/Nathan/Ashton's bed... how cute -__-
          Thanks for your little shout out to me in your bio btw :) ily bae. xx
          And yes.. I will lick your face :D


took you long enough to realize


Just a little note; school is starting back up for me this week. (Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. I know.) So updates may be a little slow. Probably a lot slow. Even though this is my senior year and it's supposed to be relatively easy.. Let's just say I'm not the best student. I really need to focus this year. So, sorry in advnce if you're waiting on Truth Or Die, or if I post any other stories in the future. They WILL be updated, just not as quickly. But thanks for sticking with me. xxxxxx


Any idea when you'll be able to post the next chapter of truth or die?


aww wow honestly it's one of the best horror/suspense stories of fanfic I have ever read :D


I was hoping for tonight but I don't think that's going to happen. Possibly tomorrow. x


Sammmyyyy.... if and when you get the chance or inspiration, write a story about us spending a day with the boys (I'm not sure what you said about writing one based on your dream the other day but I'm craving a story about us and them anyways) so yeahh... just do it. :) xx


I DIDN'T MEAN TO I-..... ehh fuck it. I don't even care. They're all disgustingly beautiful morons anyways...